Polly Ann Trail Council recognizes contributors

Converting abandoned railroad tracks into a beautiful trail for walking, biking and horseback riding doesn’t happen overnight and it certainly doesn’t happen because of only one person.
It takes a team of people and groups committed over time to achieve such a feat.
That’s what it took to create the 14.2-mile Polly Ann Trail (formerly the Pontiac, Oxford and Northern rail line owned by the Grand Trunk Western Railroad) and support its continuing development.
Seventeen individuals, businesses and governmental bodies were honored March 7 as “significant contributors” to the “progress” of the Polly Ann Trail at a special luncheon held at the Indianwood Golf and Country Club.
“I think the main purpose (of the event) was to acknowledge that this is not something you do with just a small group of people,” Trail Manager Amy Murray said. “It takes many, many people ? individuals, governments and businesses ? to succeed.”
Some were honored for financial contributions, some for donated services, some for volunteer spirit and some for physical labor.
A project like the Polly Ann Trail is “not only expensive and time consuming,” it requires “personal involvement,” Murray said.
“They have to all believe in it,” she said.
Here are the honorees and contributions they have made to the Polly Ann Trail:
n Tetra Tech MPS/Senior Vice President Khalil Atasi ? Provided 12.2 miles of engineering and prints for resurfacing. “A true friend of the trail,” Murray said.
n G2 Consulting of Troy/Mark Swolinski ? Donated soil boring along 12.2 miles of trail.
n Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Greenways Initiative/Tom Woiwode ? Granted $240,000 toward trail development and supports us with trail network promotion.
n Daimler Chrysler Corporation Fund/W. Frank Fountain and Brian Glowak ? Pledged to the trail’s success since its inception and have to date granted $250,000 toward its development.
n Oakland County Planning and Economic Development Services/Larry Falardeau ? Spearheaded the Greenways concept, tirelessly promoting it and providing the Polly Ann Trail with beautiful maps.
n Stan Aldridge ? Donated two miles of trail in 2002.
n B and B Well Drilling of Leonard ? Volunteered to drill an underground well for the new trailhead in Leonard.
n Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund ? Provided the three-quarters of a million dollars in grant money to purchase the original length of trail.
n Michigan Rails to Trails ? Granted $3,000 to the trail.
n Wade-Trim ? Designed the planned pedestrian bridge over M-24.
n Environmental Wood Solutions/Larry Mullins ? Donated time and resources in constructing our Leonard trailhead parking area.
n Oxford Bank ? Provided a $1,000 corporate sponsorship.
n Harry Neely ? Renewed corporate sponsorship for $1,000.
n Frank Cobb ? Citizen representative on the trail management council and “tireless volunteer.”
n Cathy Brakefield ? Citizen representative for equestrian interests.
n Chuck Darnall ? Volunteer who created and maintains the trail’s website.
n Larry Crawford and John Verse ? The Leonard DPW that maintains the trailhead.
n Oakland County WAM Program ? Provided clearing and minor construction projects along 14 mils of trail including clearing overgrowth, bridge building, gate hanging, fence construction and retaining work.
“They’ve virtually done all labor on the trail since its inception,” Murray said of WAM. “They have built the trail as you see it today.”

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