Photostory by James Hanlon
Leader Staff Writer
In celebration of Independence Day, residents of Squaw and Clear Lakes decorated their watercraft and circumnavigated the two conjoined lakes July 3, as part of the annual boat parade. Judging the boats were Ann and Bill Maul of Clear Lake, their grandson Trevor, and Sue and Gary Wurtz from Squaw Lake. The judges chose a red 1957 Chevrolet convertible, owned by Carol Doyle, as the winning vessel.
Dwayne Ovenshire and his daughters provided trophies for the top five winners. New this year, the first place trophy will be a traveling trophy, along with a banner winners have signed since the event began in 2015.
The first-place trophy honors Catherine Ovenshire, who passed away earlier this year at the age of 50. Catherine and Dwayne have been strong supporters of annual parade.
“I talked to Dwayne, and he thought it was a great idea, so we’re going to present this award annually,” said Glenn McTaggart, the parade organizer. “So, the winning family will keep the award for the year, we’ll give it out again next year, and it will be the ‘Catherine Ovenshire First Place Squaw and Clear Lake traveling trophy’ as long as we do the parade.”
Ted and Tammie Cairns took second place with a Flintstones themed boat. Paul and Lynn Meesseman’s seaworthy ice-cream truck took third place. Bob and Carlee Kowalec’s Chinese dragon took fourth. Steve and Barb Badanjek’s Olympics boat took fifth.

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