Principal rewards readers by going ‘punk?

Leonard Elementary School Principal Sue Hannant sported a Mohawk hairdo Thursday as a reward for her students? prolific reading abilities.
During the month of March, Leonard Elementary’s 319 kindergarten through fifth-grade students read an impressive total of 3,709 books.
Hannant originally challenged the student body to read 1,500 books as part of ‘March is Reading Month.?
The principal agreed to dress up like a punk-rocker in front of the entire school, if students? met or surpassed her challenge.
After modeling her new look for the student body at a special assembly, Hannant passed out certificates to the top three readers from each grade level.
The top three readers from each grade (each in order from first to third place) are as follows:
n Kindergarten ? Tommy Toteff, Sydney Hayward and Marisa O’Dea.
n First grade ? Steven Taylor, Austin Kreshock and Samantha Calhoun
n Second grade ? Sydney Conwell, Sean Gilmore and Abigail Hornung
n Third grade ? Adam Pardonoff, Austin Kurkowski and Janelle Zuccarro
n Fourth grade ? Kylie Dombroski, Anthony Bizzotto and Chelsea Fritche
n Fifth grade ? Madeline Hinojosa, Tammy Toteff and Jenna Smelser

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