Photo by Elise Shire.
Veterinary Home Care will host its third annual Putts for Paws event on Sunday, September 10 at the Devil’s Ridge Golf Club (3700 Metamora Rd.) in Oxford Township.
The outing is an 18-hole, four-person scramble that will commence with a 9 a.m. shotgun start. Lunch will be served on the golf course. The event will also include a dinner and silent auction, which will begin at 3 p.m.
Pet adoptions will be held at the event from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
All proceeds will be split evenly between Oxford-based K-9 Stray Rescue League and the Canine Companion Rescue Center, based in Oakland County.
The K-9 Stray Rescue League is a state and federally licensed nonprofit group formed in 1990, primarily to save dogs on the euthanasia list at animal shelters. The Canine Companion Rescue Center is a nonprofit corporation founded in 2004 for the purpose of working with the community and area animal control agencies to promote the adoption of dogs without families.
Veterinary Home Care is the practice of Dr. Elena Osborne, of Independence Township.
As a practicing veterinarian and animal-lover, Osborne said she hopes the funds raised during the event will help ease some of the strain that animal rescue centers undergo.
Last year’s event raised $5,500 for each organization according to Osborne and, this year, she hopes to raise even more for the non-profit rescue groups.
“It seems to get better every year because everyone seems to understand the mission,” Osbourne said. “Signing up for the event gets (participants) in for a great afternoon of golf, meeting some nice people, helping a great cause, gets them a great dinner with great auction items.”
Osborne said community and local business support has helped tremendously during the organization of the event and named the Great Expressions Dental Centers, of Oxford, and the Detroit Elevator Company, of Ferndale, as the “Gold Sponsors” of this year’s event.
“This year, like all the years, I just want to say ‘thank you’ to the community and everybody that gets involved. It’s a big undertaking and everybody that gets involved is on-board, works hard and the hard work really pays off when we hear how much money we’ve raised that goes towards helping these organizations, with all of the good that they do. I’m so thankful for the opportunity and that we have such a generous community help out,” Osborne added.
You, Me, and Bubble Tea, located at 40 N. Washington, will host a “Bubbles for Bucks” fundraising event which will benefit Putts for Paws on September 6. Twenty percent of total business revenue garnered on that day will be donated to the Putts for Paws through the event.
The entry fee for golf/dinner is $130 per player if registered by August 30. After that date, the fee is $145 per player. The fee is $30 per guest for dinner only.
Live entertainment will be provided by Carlisle Drive.
The event will be held rain or shine.
To register, visit k9stray.com/events.html. The registration deadline is September 7.
For donations, please make checks payable to “K-9 Stray Rescue League (Non-Profit #38-3154976).” All donations are tax-deductible.
For more information, call Elena Osborne at (248) 707-6280 or email her at dr.ohomevet@att.net.
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