By Don Rush
The Monday Sewing Mavens had a little surprise up their sleeves for Addison Township resident John Brown.
Brown, who served in Vietnam as a Lance Corporal in the United States Marine Corps, regularly visits the Mavens to maintain their sewing machines. On March 20, they asked Oxford resident Clarence Cameron, who served with the Marines in Korea, to help them present a “Quilt of Valor” to Brown.
Maven Samantha Cheney said each of the sewing group took part in making the quilt.
“We wish you to know a three-part message from our hearts,” she told Brown. “First, we honor you for your service. We honor you for leaving all you held dear to serve. Next, we know that freedom is not free. The cost of our freedom is the dedication of the lives of men and women like you and this quilt is meant to say ‘thank you’ for your sacrifice.
“Finally, this quilt is meant to offer comfort to you and to remind you that although your family and friends cannot be with you at all time, you are forever in all of our thoughts and our hearts. As you look at this quilt, I hope you see the Marine logo in the center as you, surrounded by the star and the log cabin blocks that represent the family and friends that hold you so very dear.
“Though we may never know the depth of your sacrifice to protect and defend our United States of America, as a gesture of gratitude from your friends and a grateful nation, we present to you a Quilt of Valor. On behalf of the Quilts of Valor Foundation, welcome home and thank you for your sacrifice and allowing us to recognize you.”
A surprised and emotional Brown simply said, “You do what you do because you love it.”
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