ADDISON TWP. – Lakeville Lake was awash in a sea of red, white and blue Saturday afternoon as it played host to a patriotic boat parade in honor of Independence Day.
More than 24 boats of all shapes and sizes participated in the event.
“I thought it was nice,” said Paul Woodring, parade organizer and Lakeville resident. “People had a good time and that’s what it was for.”
“It was something that was needed on our lake,” he continued.” “We have a good group of people here. We just have to get them involved.”
“Happy Birthday, America” was the theme. Boats were adorned with all manner of decorations including flags, balloons and streamers.
But it wasn’t just the boats that got all gussied up for the occasion.
Two of the passengers dressed up like the Statue of Liberty, while another did her best impression of Betsy Ross sewing Old Glory.
A variety of prizes were awarded to parade participants.
Winning “most patriotic” were Tony and Brenda Donato and Herb and Jan Chinoski.
The award for “most original” went to Jim Jones, Paul Carthew and Jeanette Magnes.
Sue Weatherhead, the Landuyts, James and Dawn Elsarelli and John Kotowicz won for “most beautiful.”
The prize for “most enthusiastic” went to Mike and Kathy Bartlett.
Parade judges included Leonard residents Dan and Char Sutherby along with Jaema Berman, director of the Addison Twp. Public Library.
Special thanks to Judy Landuyt for providing the Leader with an official “press boat” to photograph the parade. It was most appreciated.
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