By James Hanlon
Leader Staff
Twin sisters Anna and Sophie Boglaev missed the chance to travel to Disney World with Oxford High School’s marching band last year because it was cancelled due to COVID. So, when this year’s band and orchestra made the trip a couple weeks ago, Anna and Sophie also took the four-hour drive from Florida State University southeast to Orlando.

“It was such a fun coincidence,” Anna said, “that we happened to be so close to Disney to be able to just hop in the car and go visit the band, and it was so nice to be able to see them again. I definitely think it made up a bit for the trip being cancelled last year, and of course any trip to Disney is going to be super fun.”
Sophie agreed. “A lot of my friends who were older than me had gone on the Disney trip, and I knew how fun it was supposed to be. It worked out very well that we chose a college so close and that meant that we would be able to spend a few days visiting.”
The two were in band since fifth grade, and played all four years at OHS. Anna played the clarinet, while Sophie plays marching horn, mellophone and French horn. At FSU, Anna studies biology and joined the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. Sophie studies chemistry and continues to play with the FSU Marching Chiefs.
“I’ve been watching her on TV at all the football games,” their mother, Kara said. Sending her only two children to college in Florida at the same time “was big and scary” because “they are our first and last children, so it’s been huge.” She has had to step back and let them spread their wings.
Sophie said it was nice to see some familiar faces again, “especially since going to school out of state and so far away means that I rarely get to see people I know. A lot of my new Florida friends get to see people from home all the time, so having the opportunity to reconnect with friends and past teachers, especially in such an interesting way as Disney, was really incredible.”

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