Review to team with ‘Angel? & doctor

Louise ‘Desert Angel? Downs and Dr. Matthew Kopera will hold another ‘Packing Party for the Troops? this April, and now The Lake Orion Review is joining the team.
In addition to the drop-off site at Dr. Kopera’s office (Suite 207 of the Beaumont Medical Building at 1455 S. Lapeer Road), The Review will offer a downtown Lake Orion drop-off site at our 30 N. Broadway office.
Suggested items include greeting cards for troops to send home for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day; writing paper; breakfast foods (such as Pop Tarts, cereal, coffee, creamer, Tang, instant breakfast, granola bars, instant oatmeal, etc.); dried fruit; beef jerky; canned tuna; instant noodle cups; Gatorade mix; women’s personal products; nuts; Cortaid and Benadryl cream; Chapstick; sunblock; eyedrops; hand-held games; AA batteries; squirt guns; insect repellent sticks; and fun items to make them smile.
Girl Scout cookies; cotton socks; pillowcases; Ziploc bags; and letters of encouragement are also appreciated. Gently used women’s and children’s clothes, shoes and toys are also in need.
In addition to providing items, those interested in helping can join the packing party at Dr. Kopera’s office on April 17 from 4-7 p.m. Donations to help cover the cost of postage ($8.10 per box) are also encouraged.
Drop-offs at The Review office are due by Thursday, April 12.
For more information, contact The Review at (248)693-8331 or Louise ‘Desert Angel? Downs at (248)736-6403.

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