By Morgan Kindermann
Leader Student Writer
Oxford HighSchool’s FIRST robotics competition team, Team 2137 The Oxford RoboCats won an Engineering Inspiration Award and made it to the quarterfinals with their robot, this past weekend at the Michigan District Belleville Event hosted by Belleville High School.
The Engineering Inspiration Award celebrates outstanding success in forwarding respect and appreciation for STEM within a team’s school and community.
Out of 39 teams who competed at Belleville, Team 2137 placed 12th in qualifying matches and, during alliance selection, were the captain of the Number 8 Alliance. They chose Team 8728, the Argonauts, from Troy, and Team 5436, the Cyber Cats, from Rochester to compete with them on their alliance. The alliance’s two quarterfinals matches ended in losses.
“It was a tough competition with a lot of really good teams but we rose to the challenge,” said Junior team member Sami Hurst. “With the improvements we made since Rochester we performed a lot better.”
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