By James Hanlon
Leader Staff Writers
Last year Marcie Bensman, a kindergarten teacher at Leonard Elementary, received a grant that provided her 24 floor rockers. She thought she could put them to good use this year to help physical distancing in her classroom.

Thanks to the PTO, she was able to buy floor mats and trays to go under and over them. Students have the option of sitting in the rocker, on the mat or traditional tables for those who prefer.
“Most sit in their rockers during learning time,” Bensman said. “I have found this arrangement to work well and the children are happy and content. It gives them flexibility and choices.”
Bensman said she felt anxious about coming back to the classroom this year, but she is very happy to be back with her students and colleagues. “This is a learning experience for all of us and I believe it is going well,” she said.
The kindergartners are doing a great job with everything. “We get outside often during the day for mask breaks and at present eat our lunch outside under the trees. I am amazed at how well they are doing in handling our new reality. They wear their masks without much trouble, needing reminders on occasion but are handling it like stars.”
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