By Don Rush
Dedicated. Polite. Helpful. Responsible.
These are the traits shown every school day by the fifth graders who make up Leonard Elementary’s Safety Patrol.

“These students are special because they sign up to help their fellow students stay safe at Leonard,” said Melissa Musgrove who, besides being an Interventionist working with K-5 students in reading and math at the school, heads up the Safety Patrol Program. “They work at their posts in the rain and snow. I’ve watched them grow throughout the year showing responsibility and commitment.”
According to Musgrove, this is the ninth year for the program. “Every fall the fifth grade students are given the chance to apply to be a member. This year we have 44 safety patrollers. The first year we did this we had 12. Last year we had 33. This is by far the biggest number of patrollers we’ve had. When they apply they must answer a few questions and write an essay on why they would be a great safety patroller.”
Once the patrollers are chosen in the fall, that’s when the training begins. “We will walk to each post and talk about what the job entails and what is expected. For example, they learn how to fold the flag,” she said. “After that, the patroller who is leaving the post trains the next one coming on the job.”
Duties of the Safety Patrol include: Raising and lowering the flag; Folding the flag; Bus Helpers; Classroom Helpers; Crosswalk guards; Cleaning up recess equipment; Cleaning up the Lost and Found; Hall Monitors; Door Greeters; Bulletin Boards; and handing out “Caught Being Good” tickets.
There are a number of “posts” throughout the building and the students change posts every trimester so they have a chance to work different jobs. There are also special designations within the safety patrol, Captains and Superstars.
The captains are in charge of making sure everyone is at their posts, with their safety belts on. They fill posts with substitutes when needed. They talk with other safeties if problems arise.

“The first two captains of the school year are chosen based on their essay from their application,” Musgrove said. “The next captains are chosen with the help of school staff. I get emails or have conversations with staff and other safety patrollers on who they think is showing good leadership skills. I also keep an eye out for who is taking it seriously and doing their best. New captains are chosen every six weeks. I will check in with them at least once a week. My door is always open if any of the students need to talk to me.”
Patrollers who have gone “above and beyond” are given the Superstar award.
“They sub when asked, volunteer to help, help teachers carry in their stuff, helping other students when needed, using kind and encouraging words. Super Stars are also chosen every six weeks,” Musgrove said.
When asked why she wanted to be on the patrol, Addison Blowycky said, “I really like helping out. My favorite part is watching the little kids. I like making up little fun stuff to do with them. Sometimes we play games, sometimes I can read books to them if the teacher lets me. Right now my job is watching first graders.”
With a clipboard in his hands, Captain Haelyn Carter explained his duty, “As Captain, if someone is not doing their job, I have to ask them to go to the job – whether that is going to the kindergarten door, or the main door or the crosswalk, to get the flag up or if they’re hall monitors or bus helpers.”

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