School lunch prices higher

Brandon Twp.- School lunches, as well as breakfast, preschool, and latchkey, are increasing in price this fall.
During a public budget hearing June 10, District Executive Director of Finance Jan Meek presented a plan to increase school lunch prices for students by 25 cents districtwide, to $2.75. Breakfasts will increase by 20 cents to $1.50. Adult lunches will cost $3.50, a 50 cent increase.
Food Services Director Suzanne Evenson said the student lunch and breakfast price increases will garner an extra $67,250. The additional revenue will be used to cover increases in food costs, decreases due to declining enrollment, and will keep the (food services) fund balance at an appropriate level for the next few years.
She noted that this is the first price increase for student lunch in five years and keeps the district in line with other schools districts in Oakland County.
Brandon Preschool Academy and latchkey fees will also increase to match costs and equalize with community preschool fees for the 2013-14 school year. The halfday program offerings will be two days per week for $148 per month; three days per week for $222 per month; and four days per week for $296 per month. Full day programs are two days per week for $307 per month ($51 increase); three days per week for $460 per month ($76 increase) and four days per week for $614 per month ($102 increase).
Latchkey prices are increasing by 50 cents per hour, from $5 to $5.50, or $2.75 for every half-hour.

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