By James Hanlon
Leader Staff Writer
Clear Lake and Oxford Elementary schools both have “little free libraries” thanks to Gregory “G” Cook’s Eagle Scout service project. The popular birdhouse-like community bookshelves operate on an honor system: borrow a book, but bring it back when finished, or leave another book in its place.
“I’m hoping Oxford children will enjoy borrowing and exchanging books with friends, fellow classmates and the community,” said G, a former OES student who is now a senior at Oxford High School. “Reading is important and it can be fun and enjoyable. Picking out books should be fun and enjoyable too. I’m hoping the libraries will last for many, many years.”
With the help of a few other scouts and leaders from Troop 366, G installed and completed the project on Monday, Nov. 16. “I felt the overall planning and construction went well, however there were many steps involved from beginning to end which took a bit longer than I expected. Even though I was in charge of this project, my dad was my teacher. We had fun together and I learned a lot from him.”
G also had help from friends in his troop Andrew Cobble and Matt Shinavier, and his Eagle mentor Rob Charlton. “We had a great time working together and I really appreciate their help. I think the libraries turned out amazing and I couldn’t have done it without them.”
OES principal Jeff Brown said, “It has only been up for a day, but I know that staff are excited to have it as an option for our students. We have also shared with our students that it is now fully operational. Not only did G put up the library, but they stocked it with great books as well.”
G collected elementary-level book donations from the community and ended up with more than enough to fully stock the two libraries. He gave the extra books to the school’s librarian, Shannon Shafer, who will continue to make sure the little library is stocked on a regular basis.
“We are all so proud of Gregory ‘G’ and all his Scouting accomplishments especially this Eagle project,” said his mother, Jen Cook. “It’s such a wonderful addition for Oxford Elementary and Clear Lake Elementary.”
G has been in Scouting since starting Cub Scouts in first grade. He has gone on countless camping trips, attended summer camps, obtained his Order of the Arrow (Scouting’s honor society) and earned over 40 merit badges. A highlight for him was when he became SCUBA certified with his dad and fellow scouts while he spent seven days diving in the Florida Keys.
“I made many friendships and memories that will last forever,” he said.
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