A lot of famous people in the fields of politics, sports, entertainment and journalism served in the Vietnam War.
John McCain, Oliver Stone, Bob Kerrey, Colin Powell, Roger Staubach and Steve Kroft all answered duty’s call in southeast Asia before they became household names.

“But as far as I’m concerned, all of you courageous men and women who fought and served during the Vietnam War are just as important as any famous person who rose to prominence after the war,” said Oakland County Sheriff’s Sgt. Michael L. Johnson.
Johnson, who spent six years in the U.S. Marine Corps, was the keynote speaker Saturday at the Fifth Annual Veterans Recognition BBQ/Picnic held at Christ the King Church in Oxford Township.
Vietnam veterans were the focus of his stirring speech.
“We, as a nation, should never forget what you all did for us and what you did for this country,” he said. “I am so very proud of each and every one of you, and I’m honored to be in your presence here today.”
The Vietnam War was long, controversial and created bitter divisions among the populace. Many anti-war protesters directed their anger with the political establishment of the day at returning servicemen and women by spitting on them and calling them “baby killers.”
“The average citizen back then did not fully understand that you all were just soldiers,” Johnson said. “You were young men and women . . . under orders to serve, protect and defend. You did not ask why and most of you were so young that you did not care about the politics of the time.
“You were simply hard-charging young men and women who courageously fought and served to protect each other.”
Serving in Vietnam was “for the most part, a thankless job,” said Johnson, who can relate as both a military veteran and a 25-year veteran of the sheriff’s office.
“I understand this feeling and I understand you,” he said. “I understand the sacrifices that you made and the thanklessness that you may have felt, and in some cases, still feel.”
In light of this, Johnson made sure to express his sincere appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to the Vietnam veterans attending the picnic.
“I thank you all and I salute you for your service to our country,” he said. “I salute those of you who are here today, those who could not make it and especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice (so) we may remain free.”
Even though it’s been more than 40 years since the last American combat troops left Vietnam, Johnson still felt the need to say something to these veterans that wasn’t often uttered back then – “Welcome home.”
“My gratitude for what you all did for our country is immeasurable,” he said. “You all are important to me and you’re important to this country.”
“We, as a nation, cannot begin to thank you enough for your unselfish commitment in a time of chaos,” Johnson noted. “Extraordinary times have made you all extraordinary men and women.”
I was so proud to read about the tribute made by Sgt. Mike Johnson to Viet Nam veterans. I had the very special honor to partner with Mike for some joint Oakland Cty. Sheriff/Michigan Department of Corrections operations. He is a special person and great law enforcement officer. I have always looked up to Mike as the example of what a Marine and police officer should be. I am honored to remain his friend.
Kathleen Shampo
We have been blessed to know Sgt. Mike Johnson as a selfless Coach however, we are also proud to call him our dear friend. A true leader with a heart of gold, this man is extraordinary. What a perfect choice for keynote speaker at this touching tribute! Thank you Sgt. Johnson – for all you do everyday.