Oxford Meijer hosted its annual Shop With A Hero event
By Don Rush
For those who drove by the Oxford Meijer store last Thursday evening and noticed all sorts of police cars and the red lights of a fire engine, relax. Nothing bad happened, in fact, just the opposite. There were lots of smiles, giggles and warm hearts in the aisles of Meijer that night as the store invited area first responders to help deserving area children Christmas shop.
Oakland County Sheriff’s deputies from Oxford, Orion and Brandon substations, Oxford Firefighters and Oxford Village Police officers were each assigned families to escort through the store. The responders were each given gift cards with certain amounts which the children could use to shop with. The responders kept track of money being spent. Throughout the year, each responder department fundraises for this event and then Meijer donates extra funds on top.
“This is the one event I like to do every year,” Oakland County Sheriff’s Deputy Micheal Washington said.
“Meijers started this event like 20 years ago,” Oxford Police Chief Mike Solwold said. “We have about 14 families and around 30 kids so far. This is a fun event and a chance to feel like a kid again and help a family in need.”
Soon-to-be Oxford Fire Chief Matt Majestic said the fire department also had about 14 families to shop with. “I do it because I can,” he said. “I do it because I didn’t always have the traditional Christmas as a child, and I wouldn’t want any child to not have it if I can help it. I imagine each member who helps out has their own personal stories and reasons for helping out.”
He said the feelings from members of his department were mixed. “Feelings about it range from a sense of pride and community commitment to one of sadness also, knowing that there are so many kids out there that don’t get the traditional Christmas can be really tough. Christmas is for children and they deserve it. They deserve all the presents, cookies and milk, Santa and reindeer aspects, and everything else that goes with a ‘storybook’ Christmas. It’s difficult to know we can’t help more kids, if even for just one day.”
Each child the Oxford first responders shopped with had $200 to spend.
“There were some that went over a little,” Majestic said. “The overage was covered by our members or the firefighter’s association. In addition to the shopping we gave each family a care package made up of home essentials from smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, blankets, flashlights, paper products, and other stuff.”
Photos by D. Rush, and Oxford Firefighter Darin Balinski
My son had an amazing experience.
I want to thank all of our hero’s for making that experience possible for our children!