Shots fired in Brandon Twp. dispute

Brandon Twp – Early Sunday morning a 50 year-old Ortonville resident contacted police at 1:30 a.m. following an altercation was his son.
The father told Oakland County Sheriff Detective Brad Teague that he arrived home and discovered several teens including his son, at his house without his permission. An argument ensued between him and his son during which he pulled out a gun to scare his son. In the scuffle shots were fired.
‘He ran to the basement and fell, knocking himself out,? Teague said.
The wounds the father suffered were the result of a fall down the stairs, not the shooting.
The father contacted police when he awoke after the fall and thought he was shot.
His son and friends had already left the home.
Paramedics transported the father to Genesys Hospital for treatment of his injuries, which Teague said were a result of the fall.
Because the young man left the scene, a helicopter with infrared capabilities, was called in to search the area, however he left in a vehicle with two of his friends.
The young man later contacted police.
While the father says he does not know who pulled the trigger, preliminary tests show there was no gunpowder on his hands.
Teague said alcohol was involved in the incident and no charges have been filed as of press time Thursday.

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