Sidewalk Sales return, expand to Centennial Park

What do get when you combine fresh air, sunshine and bargains, bargains, bargains?
The return of the Oxford Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual “Sidewalk Sales” to downtown Oxford Friday, July 25 and Saturday, July 26.
From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days, bargain hunters will be able to “shop till they drop” as local merchants line up along Washington St. offering quality merchandise and special deals.
According to Chamber Executive Director Jennifer Duncan-Salter, participating businesses include the Dew Drop In, Curves of Oxford, Great Lakes Mercantile, Victoria’s Delights, Patterson Pharmacy, Oxford Antique Mall, Audio Book Nook, Bella Casa, Covered Wagon and A & A Party Shoppe.
Even Lynn Korneffel, former owner of Lynne’s Hallmark, will be out in front of her old 2 Washington St. store selling leftover stock, Duncan-Salter said.
As usual, the “Pie Ladies” of Thomas United Methodist Church will be selling their delicious and wildly popular homemade pies at the southeast corner of E. Burdick and S. Washington streets.
However, this year’s Sidewalk Sales won’t be limited to just the sidewalk. Various churches, service groups and merchants are scheduled to set up booths in Centennial Park, Duncan-Salter said.
“We’re trying to offer more things so more people will want to stop and look around,” she said.
Sidewalk Sales Chair Suzanne Ardelan, owner of Curves of Oxford, said the event has “always been a successful business day” in the past, so the Chamber wanted to “take it, improve it and make it more of a downtown happening.”
“It’s an attempt to attract more people to the downtown area,” Ardelan said.
Members of First Baptist of Oxford and Oakwood Community Church will be in the park to distribute information about their churches.
Cub Scout Pack 44 will set up a booth to sell their handmade “bat houses,” which are designed to attract mosquito-eating flying rodents thereby helping to reduce the spread of the West Nile Virus.
Sales representatives from Mary Kay Cosmetics and Discovery Toys will also have booths set up in the park.
Once you’ve finished shopping, wander down to the Northeast Oakland Historical Museum for a trip through Oxford’s past. The museum will be open special hours, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
For more information call the Chamber of Commerce at (248) 628-0410.

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