Six candidates vie for four trustee seats on the Oxford Township Board of Trustees

By Jim Newell
Managing Editor
OXFORD TWP. — Six candidates are running to be trustees on the Oxford Township Board of Trustees in the Aug. 6 Primary Election, and the board will have at least one new member after the Nov. 5 General Election.
Incumbent trustees Rod Charles, Catherine Colvin and Jonathan Nold and newcomers Charles Kniffen, Jeffrey M. Omtvedt and David A. Wagner are all vying for the four trustee seats. Trustee Margaret Payne did not seek reelection.
Because all of the candidates for trustee are running in the Republican Primary – and there are no Democrats seeking the seats – the top four vote-getters will move on to the general election where they will run unopposed. The top four candidates who receive the most votes will serve four-year terms on the board.
Supervisor Jack Curtis, Clerk Curtis Wright and Treasurer Joe Ferrari are all running unopposed in the reelection bids. See next week’s Oxford Leader for previews on the local uncontested political races.

Trustee candidates

Rod Charles
Occupation: Retired
Political Party: Republican
Political Experience: Township Trustee
Community Involvement: Previously, OHS Booster Club Board, OHS parent support groups, ORBA sponsor & coach. Chair of the successful Oxford Lone Ranger Parade.
1. What do you consider to be the most important issue(s) facing Oxford Township?
The most vexing issue facing Oxford Township is the balance between Quality of Life and further development. Should we continue to build strip malls, subdivisions and fast-food restaurants or do we preserve and protect existing businesses, green spaces and our lakes?
2. As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
All board members actively listen to and address input from our Oxford community. It is important for everyone to know that polite emails, attendance at committee and board meetings have an impact. Resulting decisions are based on community input as well as following existing ordinances, the Master Plan and state laws.
3. What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
Proven dedication to the success of Oxford.
• DDA Board / Economic Development and Organization Committees.
• Oxford/Addison Youth Assistance Board.
• Oxford Precinct Delegate.
• Oakland County Executive Committee.
• Township Board member.

Catherine Colvin
Occupation: Attorney
Political Party: Republican
Political Experience: Oxford Township Board Member since 2022
Community Involvement: DDA Board Member, OCTV Commissioner, Water and Sewer Committee, Personnel Committee, Capital Improvements, Compensation Committee.
1. What do you consider to be the most important issue(s) facing Oxford Township?
As Oxford continues to grow, the development must be managed. We want to ensure that we have businesses that support the community, and also maintain green spaces and keep Oxford’s character. We also need to ensure that we have the proper infrastructure to support our residents.
2. As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
It is of the utmost importance to listen to residents when making decisions. We are currently updating the Master Plan and have held workshops to ensure that residents could provide input. I encourage any resident that has concerns to attend a board meeting or reach out to me via e-mail.
3. What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
As an Oxford resident for over 20 years, I know and love this community. Professionally, I have worked as a Corporate Compliance and Integrity Officer ensuring organizations operate with ethics and integrity. I will work to ensure Oxford Township operates in this manner as well.

Charles Kniffen
Charles Kniffen did not respond to the questionnaire.

Jonathan Nold
1. What do you consider to be the most important issue(s) facing Oxford Township?
I believe balancing future land use to accommodate residential and multi-family living within the township community must be managed. Water and sewer expansion along with economic expansion that includes basic retail establishments is a must. I support prudent management of taxpayers’ dollars to maintain a strong financial balance.
2. As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
I believe residents are the backbone of the community and their perspectives and concerns are instrumental in shaping courses of action. By actively listening, I can gain the best understanding to ensure that decisions are in line with the township Master Plan, township ordinances, and the community’s best interest.
3. What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
I currently strive to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct as a board member. I have been well-prepared, a proven good listener, and objective decision-maker regarding village and township matters. I participate in nine active committees and chair the township Water & Sewer Committee and the village Planning Commission.

Jeffrey M. Omtvedt
Occupation: Small Business Owner – Founder Detroit Taco Company
Political Party: Republican
Political Experience: Seeking Initial Elected Office
Community Involvement: Various Charitable Organizations & Food Donations to Shelters
1. What do you consider to be the most important issue(s) facing Oxford Township?
1) Taxes and Inflation
2) Community Programs
3) Development
These are the three of the main reasons I chose to run and serve our Township. More information on each can be found at
2. As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
Very Important! Take Development for example. Growth is important. New business coming to town is important. New homes are important. Growth must also be balanced with keeping our township beautiful and safe. As a township trustee, I promise to listen to my constituents concerns regarding development and balance progress with common sense.
3. What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
As a small business owner in a very difficult field, I understand hard work, making payroll, creating and executing budgets and balancing making tough decisions while still advancing my companies. As a township trustee, I will bring my diverse background to the board and I promise to make smart, fiscally conservative decisions with your hard-earned money.

David A. Wagner
Occupation: Recently Retired
Political Party: Republican
Political Experience: Previous experience in public service as the elected Vice Chair of the Arizona Charter Commission, an appointment to the Oro Valley Water Commission, and an appointment as chair of the Tangerine Corridor Renovation project.
Community Involvement: Walked most neighborhoods in Oxford Township and spoke to many residents regarding their issues and concerns, Boy Scouts of America, HOA board member, First Tee Coach that helps kids build character, inner strength, self-confidence and resilience
1. What do you consider to be the most important issue(s) facing Oxford Township?
Primary concerns include addressing our infrastructure needs, supporting local businesses, advocating for our families’ safety and well-being, and decisions made without residents input. I’m committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, public safety and fiscal responsibility in township decisions. My door is aways open to listen to resident concerns and issues.
2. As a board member, how important is it to you to listen to residents when making decisions, and address their concerns on issues?
Prioritizing public input is essential BEFORE decisions are made. Their insights can help shape decisions and ensure they reflect community values and needs. The township’s recent single-waste-management fiasco (planned for the ballot) shows the consequence of failing to involve the residents. I will ensure their voices are heard.
3. What is an important characteristic/trait that you will bring to the board?
My previous 40-plus years of engineering, project/program management and advanced degrees along with community experience brings leadership, communication skills, integrity, collaboration and problem-solving abilities. I am committed to serving with diligence and accountability, ensuring decisions reflect the best interests of residents. No more major decisions without resident’s input.

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