Honoring their years of service to Oxford, village Police Chief Mike Solwold and township Parks and Recreation Director Ron Davis were given leadership accolades by the chamber of commerce on Jan. 22 during a breakfast at Independence Village of Waterstone.
Both men spoke of the community as a family, with Davis noting that family and friends are one of the most rewarding things a person can have, especially through tough times.
“This community has given us so much… It’s not about how much you make, it’s about how much you love,” he said.
Davis, who was honored for his 23 years of service with parks and recreation and his continued improvements to Oxford’s parks, among other things. He thanked the chamber and his staff for their years of hard work and friendship.
“I’m truly blessed everyday when I come to work,” he said. “Some people ask me when I’ll retire: I’ll retire when I feel like I can no longer make a positive impact in the lives of the residents of our community… I go to work every morning for you guys.”
Solwold, on the other hand, was given recognition for his years of service in the village, where he has worked for his entire 26-year career with the police force. Nearly brought to tears by the award, Solwold spoke with thankfulness for the village community and all it has given him.
“We (all) bring this community together,” he said. “That’s one of the reasons I stay here. I’m getting choked up because I love this community. I love you guys.”
Davis and Solwold were honored as part of an annual effort by the chamber to recognize community leaders who go above and beyond.
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