Oxford deputies, firefighters accepting Shop with a Hero donations
By Jim Newell
Managing Editor
OXFORD TWP. — The holiday season is fast approaching and deputies at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office and firefighters at the Oxford Fire Department want to ensure some children in the Oxford area aren’t left out in the cold this Christmas.

The deputies and firefighters are once again participating in the Shop with a Hero program, providing area kids who may not otherwise have a festive holiday with a shopping spree at Meijer to buy toys, clothes, gifts for family members and other items.
But the first responders need a little help from the community – the departments do not like to turn away a child who qualifies for Shop with a Hero, and resources are limited. Shop with a Hero is Dec. 4 this year. Last year, the deputies and firefighters helped a dozen kids have a merrier Christmas.
The firefighters and deputies will give kids Meijer gift cards to shop for themselves and family members, and shop alongside the kids as they select items, giving them support throughout the evening.
And any donations that individuals, families, community groups and businesses make will not sit in the bottom of a stocking. There are usually cost overruns during Shop with a Hero, and the shopping heroes will disburse extra gift cards to other area families throughout the season.
Anyone who would like to help make the holiday season a whole lot brighter for some special kids can drop off monetary donations or Meijer gift cards at the following locations by Tuesday, Dec. 3:
• Oxford Fire Station #1, 96 N. Washington St. Monetary donations and Meijer gift cards are accepted.
• Oakland County Sheriff’s Oxford Twp. Substation, 310 Dunlap Rd. Only Meijer gift cards accepted. No cash or checks.
• Oxford Township Parks and Recreation administrative office, 2795 Seymour Lake Rd. in Seymour Lake Twp. Park. Monetary donations and Meijer gift cards are accepted.
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