Teacher of the Year

A Clear Lake Elementary class is $1,000 richer and a long-time teacher received some ‘well-deserved? recognition last Wednesday, all courtesy of Sam’s Club.
First-grade teacher Liz Nowakowski, a 27 ?-year veteran of the education field, was named the first ‘Teacher of the Year? for the Sam’s Club in Auburn Hills, which opened in October 2002.
According to Renee Graybiel and Sharon Dollens, representatives from the Sam’s Club marketing department, Nowakowski received numerous nominations for the honor from Clear Lake parents and staff who voted at the store.
Graybriel said ‘it sounds like there’s a lot of support and admiration? for Nowakowski at Clear Lake, where she’s taught for the past five years. She spent 23 years teaching in the Oxford school district.
‘It’s certainly well-deserved,? said Principal Jim Schwarz.
Nowakowski was presented with a red vest bearing the words ?2003 Teacher of the Year? on the front and back, plus a $1,000 check to be spent according to her discretion on classroom supplies and/or activities.
‘This is cool,? she said. ‘I’m totally overwhelmed. This is amazing.?
‘We can really use this (money),? Nowakowski said holding her giant $1,000 check.
Most of the prize money will be used to purchase social studies, science and math books for a new reading program, the teacher said.
Nowakowski modestly admitted that she did not win this award on her own.
She credited the school’s staff and parents for their ‘wonderful support.?
‘It’s certainly not one person (who wins this award),? Nowakowski said. ‘It’s this whole group that makes this happen.?
She also thanked Sam’s Club for supporting the schools.

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