Every so often I hit some readers’ nerves with a column. My column, the ever-lovin’ Don’t Rush Me, is a bunch of words thrown together in a certain order that, when read in said order, describes whatever it is I am thinking at any given moment in time — usually the moment I type.
Some folks agree. Some resort to calling me fat. Whatever. Below are reader opinions on my opinions (and no one called me a name — so, for the time being I do have that going for me.)
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Don, loved your article about Aretha Franklin, I am sure you are getting a lot of responses. I voiced my opinion like yours and was told I was a old racist by most. (To read that column, click here.)
You did forget a couple of points like they changed her gowns and shoes each day as she was in her coffin and many of the singers sounded like they were about to give birth to baby wales. Here is a question for you, when do you think her family will have a auction for the dresses she wore in her coffin? See, you’re not the only crazy one around here. — George C.
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Hi, Don, I wanted to give you feedback on a couple of columns. One of the columns was from earlier this year, and you questioned the movement to “ban guns.” (To read that column, click here.)
The “March for Our Lives” movement was not to ban all guns, it was to ban assault weapons, and to further protect our children by adding more security measures to the gun purchasing process in the United States.
The column also listed the number of students killed by school shootings in the US. It is a relatively low number considering the many school shootings there have been since Columbine. Of course, listing the deaths from school shootings without including the number of students and staff injured, both physically and emotionally, is going to give the appearance of a low number. The effort of the column seemed to be to reduce enthusiasm for the cause, and therefore momentum.
The other column was more recent and was about the coverage of Aretha Franklin in the news. I personally was interested and did not mind the continuous coverage. I understand that other people were not interested, however, for those 10 days that was the news. I welcomed the opportunity to learn more about Aretha and her decades of musical prominence. I had not heard the story of how she filled in for Luciano Pavarotti with only ten minutes notice and sang Opera so beautifully. The funeral, yes, was lengthy and there was political posturing. There were also beautiful and moving tributes. Your comparison to Elvis’ funeral was a stretch because every family handles grief differently, and these two stars died under very different circumstances. (Note from Don, the “King” and the “Queen” both died on the same day, though 41 years apart. Interesting conicidence, me thinks. Elvis was buried in two days, Aretha, 15 — not 10.)
Lastly, your reference to Kwame confused me most. I get the Detroit connection, but why follow a beloved figure’s name with one so infamous? I was wondering why you did not reference Kid Rock instead regarding the “Dee Troit” party (i.e. how a Detroit party doesn’t stop)? After all, it is Kid Rock’s song. (Note: from Don, I quoted Kwame, who said it, also. I have not heard Rock say it, nor sing it — but I do not question you.)
My feedback or suggestion would be to focus on what we as a community have in common that is uplifting. Your words can help us appreciate each other, not shut us down. Thank you, Eileen D.
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Don, I am surprised that you haven’t figured out the reason for the cars on the road and around the schools each morning.
The parents are “Wussified.” (To read that column, click here.)
You must have realized by now that the kids are in charge. You’ll never get a parent to admit it, but their kids have them on a short leash. “Take me to me friends house,” “drive me to the mall,” “drive me to school,” “the bus ride takes too long,” “kids pick on me when I’m on the bus,” “the bus is too cold,” “the bus is too hot,” “if you drive me to school then I can sleep in.”
Waa, Waa, Waa!
Parents capitulate because little Johnny and Mary should not be uncomfortable, disadvantaged or inconvenienced. If you keep in mind, that the kids are in charge, then it all makes perfect sense.
Granted there are legitimate reasons for a student to be at school early or has to stay late, but not every kid in all those cars! So, the bottom line is the car parades will continue until the parents get some guts, act like they’re in charge and “Say no more car rides.” “Walk to the bus stop.” — Joe. G.
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There you go. Uplifting or not, it’s what you folks are thinking! Thanks for writing.
Comments for the raw-nerve striking Rush? E-mail them to DontRushDon@gmail.com
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