Like over 100 million other Americans, this past Sunday I hunkered down to watch the 52nd playing of National Football League’s Super Bowl. And, like many I have thoughts (unlike you, I can publish mine in print — yup, it’s great to be me).
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This was the first big game in years where the game was more entertaining than anything else associated with it. And, if truth is to be told, I actually stayed up to watch all of it. I loved watching the game — even though there was no defense. All offense, Eagles 41-33, Patriots.
Surprisingly, I did not fall asleep.
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Don’t care what people say, when I hear the national anthem sung with passion, I get watery-eyed. I thought Pink did a fine job.

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It is a sad fact: I must be getting old. I opted to stay home to watch the big game, versus going out with family or friends. On the up side, I didn’t have to drive on slippery roads and I did get the driveway and sidewalks cleared of snow.
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Which leads me to this . . . since I was in snow removal mode, I only heard the first quarter and a few minutes on the radio. I only heard Pink sing and I missed watching the football action AND I missed the TV commercials for the first 18 or so minutes.
Did I miss something?
I am talking about the commercials. Were there any that were entertaining? The only commercials I saw were spots for upcoming NBC programming and “message” commercials: social justice, lecturing, feel good, goody-two-shoes, mamby-pamby messages.
Not a fan of all the let’s hold hands and all together lift our voices. “Someone’s singing Lord, kumbaya” commercials for a football game. I get it. The world sucks, and all these mega corporations are trying to brand themselves as “caring” companies. But, if they really cared, they would spend a little less on stupid commercials, CEO pay and a little more actually helping people.
This is football, despite all its padding and rules, it still is a game of sweat, blood, busted fingers, bones, spines and concussions. It is a violent game. Give me the funny, entertaining commercials. Give me some levity to go with the carnage.
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Of course, if those companies have the money and can spend $5 million for 30 seconds of commercials, it is their right to flush those dollars away. Ain’t America great again!
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Half Time! As I alluded to earlier in this diatribe, I must be getting old. On the plus side, I actually knew the name of the performer for half time. Justin Timberlake is obviously a very talented man. I have heard him sing at least one song I actually like — he does a superb cover of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”.
I liked that zero political statements were made during the half time show — what American really wants a pampered, self-contained entertainer telling them what they should think?
However, there was too much going on in that show, too many lights, too much juking and jiving, too much flashy for me. Just sing for me. The only tunes I knew he sang, was the little bit from the late performer, Prince.
Who is Timberlake’s fanbase? Gotta’ believe it ain’t the average NFL watcher.
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Like I said, I must be old — liked the national anthem and the game. Didn’t go out to watch the game, stayed home and watched it safely ensconced under my blanket with the lights out.
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Locally, I thought it was quite interesting to watch the commercial from TV attorney Mike Morse. His commercial was cut short — something he did not intend. Later on in the football broadcast, his cross-town rival in the TV lawyer war, Geoffrey Fieger’s ad ran in its entirety.
Why it’s interesting is because these two guys spar off in their commercials and in the courts against each other all the time. It could be fake news, but I believe their feelings for each other are genuinely not good.
Fieger’s spot was on “his” America. Morse’s spot was gonna’ be another heart-warming one, I am sure. But, I don’t know. It did not finish.
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Can’t wait til Superbowl 53!
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