By Jim Newell — Lake Orion Review Editor
The Share the Love Fashion Show, a benefit for Love In The Name of Christ (Love INC) of North Oakland County, is Feb. 6 at Boulder Pointe Golf Club, 1 Champions Circle in Oxford.
The evening begins at 5 p.m. with shopping and a silent auction, followed by dinner at 6 p.m.
The fashion show starts at 7 p.m., with members of the community modeling accessories and fashions from The Boulevard Boutique in Oxford.
“It’s basically a way for you to help those in need right in your own backyard,” said Patricia Duke, executive director of Love INC. “This is a way for folks to give back locally where we can make a really big impact.”
Tickets are $40 per person and $360 for a table of 10 and are available at The Boulevard Boutique, 5 S. Washington St. in Oxford, or online at loveincofnoc.org. For ticket information call The Boulevard Boutique at 248-408-1096 or Love INC at 248-693-4357.
Last year, 230 guests attended the fashion show, which raised $9,000 for Love INC, a non-profit cooperative effort that links churches, volunteers, and service agencies and helps them to organize their efforts by reaching out to the poor and disadvantaged.
“In 2018, our ministries were able to make a significant impact in our community. Our Clothes Closet served 150 families for a total of 489 individuals receiving $10,745 in clothing (most items are priced less than a $1),” said Love INC Executive Director Patricia Duke.
“Our Community Meals Program served 11,680 meals at our partner churches: Lake Orion United Methodist Church, Immanuel Congregational Church, Oxford United Methodist Church and LakePoint Community Church. These ministries, along with our Clearinghouse, were supported through 4,964 volunteer hours,” she added.
There are still sponsorship opportunities available and businesses, groups or individuals who want to be a part of the event can contact Duke at Love INC.
“A $250 Sponsorship includes a mention in our program and company name on a placard displayed in the gathering area at our event,” Duke said.
Love INC assists with rent and utility bills, car repairs, minor home repairs, food (ranging from groceries to free, weekly community meals served at local churches), clothing, counseling, budget classes, household goods, personal needs and more.
“As we look to 2019, we are excited about the possibilities of more partnerships with our churches to help facilitate additional ministry programming,” Duke said. “The end result will be the opportunity to reach out to more of our neighbors. In addition, we look forward to creating and fostering more relationships to offer individuals the opportunity to serve.”
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