Township ‘Angels? gather supplies to send abroad for troops

Competition and the holiday spirit don’t always go hand-in-hand.
But last week, at the Orion Township offices, everyone was a winner in ‘Operation Guardian Angel.?
Each department in the building gathered as many items as they could to send to troops overseas.
The Water & Sewer Department collected over 400 items to take the friendly competition.
The main beneficiary, though, are the troops.
The items the township collected will be sent to Fallujah, where township resident Shawn Wilson is serving, with a company of around 200 marines.
Wilson’s father, is County Commissioner Eric Wilson, who thanked the various offices for their efforts.
‘It’s just a nice thing for Orion Township to do to support our troops,? Eric Wilson said.
‘That’s why it’s a great place to live out here,? he added.
Shawn Wilson’s company should receive the items just in time for the holidays.
‘We had well over 1,000 items donated,? said Penny Shults from the Assessor’s ffice. ‘It ranges from batteries to socks.?
Shults added that the Auburn Hills Christian Center donated a number of DVDs and several toothbrushes, tubes of toothpaste and dental floss were donated by Dr. John Blake’s office.
Charlotte Cito said the ‘Operation Guardian Angel? program runs year round.
‘I do it 5 or 6 times a year,? she said, noting the holiday season is usually the busiest.
Cito said there are 27 soldiers with Orion Township ties.
A ‘Heroes Board,? in the lobby of the Lake Orion Post Office, where Cito works, helps her to track the soldiers.
‘Basically, I’m mailing to people anywhere in the war zone,? she said.
Cito said that as a result of the project, her house often looks more like a grocery store than a home, with items constantly being prepared for shipments.
She added that the costs add up quickly to send packages abroad and financial support is needed to keep the program running.
‘I would really love to send more if I had the items and funds to do it,? she said.
There is a donation box in the post office lobby and business can help, with tax benefits available as well, by contacting the Kiwanis Club.
For more information on ‘Operation Guardian Anger,? visit the Lake Orion Post Office at 611 N. Axford or call 693-8368.

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