By Dean Vaglia
Leader Staff Writer
Oxford Township had its monthly Board of Trustees meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 10. Topics of discussion included amending zoning definitions, honoring resigning officials and using ARPA funds.
Ordinance Readings
The Junk Vehicle Ordinance No. 136 and Littering Ordinance No. 137 from October’s meeting passed on their second readings. Both ordinances make their violations civil infractions, while 137 expands the definition of littering.
Amendments to Zoning Ordinance 67A.026, which changes definitions based on revisions made to the township’s zoning code by Carlisle/Wortman, were passed for a second reading. The full list of amendments and Carlisle/Wortman’s letter outlining what was changed and why are in the meeting packet on Oxford Township’s website.
ARPA and Infrastructure
Clearview Homes, which owns 130 acres along Drahner Rd., wants to enter the township sewer and water districts. In order to do this, the existing pumping station on the land needs to be rebuilt. On the written promise of Clearview to provide $360,000 for sewer taps, the board voted unanimously to spend $140,000 of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds on the pumping station.
The board unanimously committed to covering 10% of the costs of a Road Commission for Oakland County project to pave Dunlap Rd. from M-24 to the current paved section near the township office. Work is expected to begin in 2026 at the earliest.
The board unanimously approved funding for zoning map revisions. The township planner noticed several discrepancies with the current map and the actual uses of the land and required board-approval to make changes.
Trustee Jonathan Nold replaces Trustee Bill Dunn’s place on the Gravel Inspection Committee. This position involves going out to active gravel pits in the township and inspecting them and the mine operator’s plans for the site.
Saying Goodbye

A resolution commemorating Mike Young for his time on the planning commission passed unanimously. Young stopped by to receive an honor from the board.
Trustee Dunn resigned from the board, effective Nov. 2. The resignation was accepted unanimously and the process of filling his vacancy was determined. Dunn was not at the meeting. For more information on Dunn’s resignation, please turn to Page 3.
Cemetery Tree Cutting Bid Selected
Last month Township Supervisor Jack Curtis and Clerk Curtis Wright announced plans to have 28 “clearly dangerous” trees in Oxford Township Cemetery cut down and put out a request for bids. Three bids were received and the board went with the cheaper bid of $76,500 from Truman’s Tree and Landscape of Lake Orion.
Wage Evaluating Committee
The Wage Evaluating Committee’s membership is changed from trustees Dunn, Margaret Payne and Treasurer Joe Ferarri to Payne, Supervisor Curtis and Clerk Wright. The vote passed 5-1, Ferrari providing the only “no” vote.
Committee membership was brought into question following an email detailing comments Ferrari made was sent to committee members. The email stated Ferrari told treasurer’s office employees they would not receive any raises or step increases, though people in the office will receive a 6% raise.
Buying Backup Tabulator
The board unanimously approved the purchase of an additional Hart Intercivic ballot tabulator. According to Clerk Wright, a tabulator used in the Nov. 2 election had a flickering screen. Screen issues had no effect on the tabulator’s performance, though no backup tabulator was available due to the current one being used for absentee ballots at the township office. The tabulator costs $5,545 and yearly maintenance costs $564.
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