Township OK’s recreational park land deal

Brandon Twp. – In August township residents told the board to ‘act’and act now? at a public hearing to purchase approximately 47 acres from James and Madeline Vantine, near Hadley and Oakwood roads with the intent of building a recreation park.
The reality of the facility moved one step closer on Tuesday.
After years of deliberation on Sept. 7 the township board approved a $250,000 down payment to purchase the Vantine property earmarked for recreation. Earlier this year the township offered the Vantines $808,000 on a land contract for the 47 acres.
The money was drawn from a park development fund established about six years ago by the township. Money for the park fund comes from cell tower revenue which is located on 60 acres of township property near Seymour Lake and Sashabaw roads. Township officials say in addition to the down payment of $250,000 about $60,000 or five months of payments are in reserve in the park development fund.
Currently, the township receives $49,000 per year for the Seymour Lake cell tower operating on the property. Township officials say proceeds from the tower will fund the development of the recreational park.
‘I was proud of our board that we had a 7-0 vote on this,? said Ron Lapp, township supervisor. When we had the public hearing the people said ‘build the park’build a park.??
‘Well we’re going to build a park but it will be built in stages. Understand that this property will not be developed now, but only a purchase,? he said.
Currently the township has the 60 acre Seymour Lake property for sale, offered for bid only at a minimum bid of $650,000. To date three offers have been submitted.
Yet before the Seymour Lake property can be sold the township planning commission must first study altering existing cell tower ordinances. Although final terms of the ordinance change are still under deliberation, township officials are considering the sale of the wooded 60 acres for residential development yet retain the proceeds gained from the cell tower.
‘We will not sell the Seymour Lake property until the ordinances are settled,? Lapp said.
‘We are rapidly working to resolve the tower ordinance issues so we can sell the Seymour Lake property. I honestly believe Brandon Township finally got over a big hurdle which takes courage, leadership, and drive to get the community to move forward.?
Lapp said he is not beyond going door to door with hat in hand to seek funding help from major Michigan manufacturers such as General Motors, Chrysler, or the Kellogg Company to help fund the project.
‘What is the worse they can tell us?? Lapp asked. ‘We’ll search it out.?
‘We now have a piece of land that is relatively flat that should be easily developed. Think in a positive way and things can happen even though it’s going to take some time and work but it’s going to be a positive thing for the community.?

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