Trustee Wallace runs for top seat

Although Independence Township Trustee Neil Wallace feels like the board has
accomplished a lot, he’d like to see it do more.
That’s why he’ll be on the primary ballot for supervisor on Aug. 7.
Wallace came to Independence Township in 1976 and has worked as an attorney in Clarkston since 1981.
He is most proud of the board’s ability to ‘buckle down on the budget? and of its
‘progress on professionalism.?
He’s also pleased with the increased citizen participation in the government brought on by the Citizens Public TV Access Committee.
He said the committee has ‘invigorated the cable service,? newly renamed Independence Television.
Moving forward, Wallace would like to ‘continue getting citizens involved, particularly young folks.?
If elected, Wallace also wants the board to work on ‘creating ways to attract quality development? and ‘enhance and diversify their tax base.?
While he opposed the McLaren hospital five years ago, he has changed his view now that the proposal for the medical facility has been revised, he said.
Despite Wallace’s desire to begin new initiatives with the 2013 Board, he does want some things to stay.
In particular, he feels the government’s ‘current structure is working well,? though he admits that it began as a ‘reaction to Supervisor Wagner being out for a year.?
He said he won’t decide about continuing his law practice while taking on the supervisor position until after the election.
Wallace explained he’s ‘already semi-retired? but because he relies on his staff for help with his duties as a trustee, he may want their ‘continued assistance going forward.?
Wallace thinks he stands out among the other four candidates because of his experience.
He served as a trustee from 1996-2000 and has also been on the Planning Commission.
‘I don’t think we want someone who is learning on the job,? he said.
Wallace feels that many may believe the supervisor role is ‘one of power,? but he sees it as ‘one of responsibility.?
For more information on Neil Wallace’s campaign visit his website

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