Two-car smash-up injures both drivers

A two-vehicle smash-up Monday evening in front of the Sunoco gas station on S. Washington St. (M-24) left two young drivers injured.
According to the Oxford Village Police, the accident occurred at approximately 5:30 p.m. when a 16-year-old Davison woman exited the Sunoco station in her 1990 Buick.
The Davison woman was attempting to turn left and head northbound on M-24 when she was broadsided on the driver’s side by a 27-year-old Lapeer man in a 1996 Ford traveling south, according to witnesses.
The Davison driver’s car was “spun around and rested” in the right northbound lane of M-24, the report stated.
Both drivers were transported to POH Medical Center in Pontiac.
When Oxford Fire/EMS personnel arrived on the scene, the Davison driver was unconscious. However, she did regain consciousness prior to transport.
A shortage of available American Medical Response ambulances in the area coupled with the “severity of the accident” required Oxford EMS personnel to begin the transport, according to Fire Lt. Terry Roeher.
While enroute, Oxford medical personnel intercepted an AMR unit, which completed the transport, Roeher said.
The Lapeer driver was transported by an ambulance from the Auburn Hills Fire Department, which has a mutual aid agreement with AMR, Roeher said.
There were no passengers in either vehicle and neither driver was cited for any traffic violations.

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