Dear Editor,
Residents from Oxford, Lake Orion, Brandon Township, Troy, and other cities in Oakland County have been trying to get the attention of the County Board of Commissioners for nearly four months. They are looking for support to end medical discrimination in the county.
Beginning in May, hundreds of residents have participated in Commission meetings. They provided ample personal testimony about how employers, public schools and universities, and private businesses have discriminated based on being unable or unwilling to take the recommended Covid-19 injection.
What has the Commission leadership done?
In July, residents were told by Democrat Commission Chair David Woodward to “move on.” Since then, the Commission has been playing all kinds of “hide and seek” tricks to dissuade members of our community from participating in meetings.
For example, residents learned upon arrival in Pontiac that scheduled meetings had been canceled. Other meetings were rescheduled to another day or time with little or no public notice. In August, Chairman Woodward decided to move the “public comment” section to the very end of each session, making residents, including a woman nursing her baby, wait up to two hours to speak. Democrat caucus meetings, where the majority meet separately to decide critical spending and other matters, are moved frequently. For example, residents who showed up for the June 30 meeting displayed on their calendar to start at 5 p.m. found it began at 3:30 p.m.
This is no way to run the county. They are spending hundreds of millions of tax dollars. We are tired of playing “cat and mouse” with the Democrat leaders who run the Commission and each committee. This unprofessional behavior must stop.
Jay R. Taylor
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