Vet creates tribute for fellow vets

Bob Godkin doesn’t limit the expression of his esteem for the men and women who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces to Memorial Day or Veterans Day.
The Addison Township resident likes to show it year-round. That’s why he recently finished building a tribute to veterans in his yard on Hosner Rd., just north of Lakeville Rd.
‘I have a lot of respect for veterans,? said Godkin, who served in the U.S. Coast Guard from 1954-62. ‘If it wasn’t for the veterans, we may all be speaking German and saying, ‘Heil Hitler!? I believe that 100 percent.?
The centerpiece of the display is a solemn silhouette of a soldier kneeling before a cross with his head bowed in prayer. In one hand is his rifle and in the other, his helmet.
Godkin sent away for the pattern, then used it to cut the image from a 4×8 sheet of plywood, which he painted black.
‘It took me two hours to cut that out,? he said.
Included in the display is a flagpole topped with Old Glory, small flower garden and a large rock with a plaque bearing the words, ‘Honor our veterans ? Freedom is not free.?
‘I think it’s nice,? said Godkin, a 1952 Oxford High School graduate. ‘I really like the whole thing. I just want to leave a little mark so people know (how I feel about veterans).?
A member of Oxford American Legion Post 108, Godkin is often seen proudly representing veterans at community events and school activities throughout Oxford and Addison.
‘I like marching in parades and putting my uniform on,? he said.
Godkin is one of three veterans in his family. His dad served in the U.S. Navy and he had an uncle-in-law who fought in World War II.
‘I don’t think veterans are recognized as much as they should be,? he said. ‘I think a lot of times they get raw deals. I don’t understand why.?

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