For the fifth year in a row the North Oakland VFW Post 334 adopted a shelf at Oxford/Orion FISH. On Feb. 9 the group presented a check for $1,200 to FISH’s Food Pantry Adopt-a-Shelf program.
“We encourage other business, community groups, or individuals to come out Adopt-a-Shelf or give donations to FISH to support OUR community also,” VFW Post Quartermaster/Adjutant Chuck Haskins said.
This Adopt-a-Shelf program purchases food items to stock on the shelves each month during the year with the donated funds. VFW Post 334 supports the pasta sauce shelf. Volunteers take purchased items and place them on the shelves throughout the building (which is like a small grocery store). Everyone evolved with FISH are volunteers from the community.
The Oxford/Orion FISH Food Pantry provides groceries for people in need who currently live in Lake Orion, Oxford, Addison and Oakland Township. Food provided per the size of each family and can range from 60 to 200 pounds per month.
“With the high inflation on food this past year, the demand from the community is consonantly increasing,” Haskin’s said.
For those in need of services or who want to join the Adopt-a-Shelf program, call 248-628-3933 or visit oxfordorionfish.org to get more information. The Oxford/Orion FISH Food Pantry is located at 1060 South Lapeer Road, Oxford.
For more information about VFW Post 334 call Post Commander Jim Hubbard at 248-496-1213.
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