The North Oakland Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 334 is stepping up to the plate in the fight against hunger in the Oxford area.
The North Oakland VFW Post 334, with the help of the VFW Auxiliary, donated 28 bags filled with Thanksgiving meals to the Oxford chapter of Meals on Wheels Nov. 20.
The organizations also donated 20 bags to the Lake Orion chapter of Meals on Wheels.
Each bag contained a total of five meals, which included holiday foods, such as canned ham and sweet potatoes– along with other snacks such as soups and canned vegetables.
During the holiday season, VFW Post 334 Commander Jim Hubbard said limited mobility and incomes can make it especially difficult for seniors to get the food they need to get by.
“We hope these donations will bring the comfort of knowing there is something in the cupboard to local seniors… sometimes they can’t go shopping or it’s beginning to be a chore for them or these folks may not be able to drive or get around anymore. If we can put something in their cupboards that they can depend on, it makes us feel better,” said Hubbard.
The bags of food were purchased using proceeds garnered from the organization’s Buddy Poppy program, according to Hubbard.
In order to be eligible for Meals on Wheels, a person must be age 60 or older and unable to grocery shop for themselves or cook their own meals.
With each delivery, people receive a lunch and, often, a dinner for later in the day. Many Meals on Wheels providers will also provide frozen meals that can be eaten over the weekend.
Meals on Wheels recipients are asked to make a voluntary donation, although contributions are not required.
Every week, Monday through Friday, a truck from the Rochester-based Older Persons Commission (OPC) center delivers a bulk food shipment to the Oxford United Methodist Church, located on E. Burdick St.
From there, it’s up to the site hostesses, like Meals on Wheels volunteer Mary Reynolds, to package the food as individual meals and distribute them to the volunteer drivers who deliver them to seniors’ residences.
“These donations are absolutely perfect,” said Reynolds. “We hope our seniors will realize that people are thinking about them through the holidays.”
Currently, the site provides meals on a regular basis to 27 seniors throughout the township, according to Reynolds.
To sign up for Meals on Wheels, to donate or to volunteer as a driver for the program, call the Oxford site at (248) 236-9260.
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