Village eyesore gets facelift, new business

Ortonville – Ortonville resident Jay Sweeney is going to turn an old village eye sore into a hub that he is hoping will bring new business into the community.
Soon local handymen and small construction servers will no longer have to spend guarded work time driving hither to yon to rent that ‘onetime? needed tool.
Sweeney will be bringing the tools to rent, locally, from his rental and repair of small equipment and ancillary supplies.
On Dec. 8, Sweeney won approval from the Village Zoning Board of Appeals to bulldoze the existing dilapidated house, once an antique shop, on the wedge of Narrin Road and M-15 and add a pole barn storage building at the back of the property..
‘Structurally, the house needed everything,? said Sweeney. ‘So it has to go and will be replaced with a gated area behind the lot for storage.?
The existing cinder block building adjacent to the house will remain and be refurbished for the rent, retail and repair area for the business.
When asked by ZBA member Harold Batten whether there is a high demand for this type of equipment around here Sweeney said he hopes bringing the equipment rental business into the village will not only help out area contractors and handymen, but will also bring commerce from outside business into the area as well.
‘That’s what we’re going to find out,? said Sweeney. ‘There are a lot of contractors and people that call for compact construction equipment already.?
‘I also have contractors from out of the area that I know will be here that wouldn’t normally,? finished Sweeney.
Village President Sue Bess said she is happy to see that something is finally being done with the piece of property at the corner of Narrin and M-15.
‘That piece of property has a lot of history with uncooperative owners,? said Bess. ‘I’m very pleased to see someone do something with it.?
Preparations for construction have already begun.

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