Village of Ortonville DPW Supervisor resigns

Ortonville – In an unexpected move, the village Department of Public Works supervisor turned in his letter of resignation to the village council Sept. 8. Joe Bruz resigned effective immediately.
“I found out it was going to happen right before the village meeting,” said Paul Zelenak, Village Manager.
“Just before the meeting someone came in and told me Joe was planning on doing something at the meeting, but I didn’t know what.”
Bruz handed his resignation letter to Village President Sue Bess. However, his direct supervisor Zelenak did not receive a copy of the letter. Several personnel documents were furnished to non-council members within the community.
Zelenak said he briefly read the letter and that Bruz cited intimidation and feeling threatened.
“He mentioned harrassment,” said Zelenak.
“Whether it was an employee or a resident, I wasn’t aware of it and there will be an investigation to make sure it doesn’t happen to other employees.”
Bruz offered no verbal explanation to the council and responded with a simple “No, no notice” when Council Member Mary Kassuba asked if he was giving a two week notice.
A motion to accept Bruz’s resignation was passed with a quick “thanks for the two years” from Village President Sue Bess.
The unexpected resignation left the DPW with only two full time employees, Shane Eliassen and Dan Hackman. Zelenak said he has met with both employees and although, immediately, the situation makes it difficult for the two to get projects done, he is confident they will handle their jobs well. .
“There is no doubt in my mind that with their work ethic and professionalism they will be able to handle something unexpected like this,” he said.
“We’ve already met and I’m confident they will do a great job,” Zelenak said. Hhe has not been directed by council for hiring a replacement for Bruz.
A personnel meeting will be held within the next week.

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