By Don Rush
At their Jan. 17 meeting the Addison Township Board of Trustees voted on raising wages for township employees by seven percent.

“It’s like I always say,” Supervisor Bruce Pearson told the board, “we need to retain our employees. It’s happened before. We have the best employees around, train them and then someone else comes along and grabs them.”
He then asked the board to approve two separate resolutions, one giving township employees and the other to the fire department. The roll call vote was unanimous in favor of each resolution. The resolutions stated in part, “ . . . employees (unless otherwise noted) shall receive a seven percent increase . . . with a one percent increase for retirement participation issued and established for April 1, 2023 . . .”
Trustees will receive $175.77 per regular meeting, $133.18 for special meetings, $236.18 for combined sessions and $101.46 to attend approved meetings like planning commission and zoning board of appeals meetings.
The Clerk, Supervisor and Treasurer’s salary increased to $46,494.24. Oakland County Sheriff Deputies will be paid $24.15 hourly or estimated $50,232 yearly.
The Fire Chief’s new wage will be $84,561.36. The per hourly incident wages for firefighters and emergency medical technicians also increased by seven percent.
Last year township employees received 4.9 percent wage increases.
Bruce Pearson
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