The Clarkston Area Backyard Birders (CABB) and the Clarkston Family Farm (CFF) have teamed to create the inaugural Wally’s Scholarship Essay Contest.
The scholarship honors the memory of Wally Niezguski, a well-loved local organic farmer and longtime CFF supporter, and a founding CABB member.
“The contest’s goal is to increase awareness in young people of the positive influence of birds and natural habitats on their lives and thereby foster an appreciation for wise environmental stewardship,” said Larry Kodosky, CABB member who is overseeing the project.
The contest is open to high school seniors in the Avondale, Brandon, Clarkston, Pontiac, Lake Orion and Oxford School Districts planning to attend college or vocational school. Homeschool high school seniors are encouraged to apply. Students wishing to enter the contest will submit a 500 – 550 words, original work essay which answers, “How do our local birds and their natural habitats enrich your life?”
A complete description of the contest guidelines is available at clarkstonfamilyfarm.regfox.com/wallys-scholarship-contest
The deadline for essay submissions is April 7, 2023. The contest scholarship committee will award two cash prizes:
$1,000 first place, $500 second place. The contest winners will be notified May 15 – 22, 2023. The winners will be honored on June 11 at a garden party at the Clarkston Family Farm.
Any contest questions can be directed to the Scholarship Committee at wallyscholessay@gmail.com
“Our work at the Clarkston Family Farm is elevated by collaborations such as these,” said Chelsea O’Brien, executive director of the CFF. “Educating and engaging youth about the value of nature through a variety of creative means like this scholarship essay contest help fulfill our mission and, we hope, will provide opportunities for the young people participating to think more deeply about the relationship that we have to the wider ecology in which we are embedded. The team at our non-profit educational farm for kids is delighted to support this endeavor and excited to offer to the 1st place winner three complimentary tickets to our June 11 Garden Party.”
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