The life of a humble scribe is actually quite awesome. And, for the last — oh, too many years to report — I have had the privilege of sharing my thoughts, opinions and life stories here in the hallowed halls of my very own column, Don’t Rush Me.
Despite my grumpus exterior, I do enjoy when people share back with me because I can share it back with other readers. One of the things all newspaper folk want is an engaged readership. You readers are engaged! You call me out when you have been aggrieved by what I have typed and you pump me up when you agree. Heck you even write me just because you want to say “hi.”
It’s a pretty damned sweet gig. And, you bail my bacon outta the fire when I am behind in my scheduling and tight on deadline with your commentary. I love it!
Last week, “I, Neanderthal” was the subject of this space and two of you took the time to write yourselves.
Response #1
Dear Don,
We have not spoken in a while, but I just had to write you and thank you for confirming what I always suspected: Don Rush is a Neanderthal!
I enjoyed your column revealing your knuckle-dragging past – very brave of you to share. I could not help but reflect on our many interactions and conversations years ago as I wrote articles for The Clarkston News and attended many local and Chamber events with you. Upon reflection, I had to agree with the DNA test: Don Rush is a Neanderthal!
Now that my teasing is over, allow me to fast forward to the real message I would like to share with you. I think you and members of The Clarkston News continue to provide a great service to the greater Clarkston community. In the era of digital news, smart phones, opinions reported as fact and fake news, you folks have done a great job of reporting local news that affect us all. And, I must tell you, I have missed the conversations and mutual teasing we experienced years ago – the result of taking a full-time job outside of the Clarkston area.
I look forward to your Don’t Rush Me segments each week. You do pretty good work – for a Neanderthal!
NOTE: Ain’t no way I’m taking that DNA test! I am quite sure that my Neanderthal DNA would be 50% or more! I’m sure you would agree with my friends and family who would estimate my Neanderthal DNA at 90% or more.
Ron DeLorme
Fellow Knuckle Dragger, Independence Township
Response #2
Hi Don
I have never taken the time to write to you in the past. It’s not that I don’t care. I just haven’t felt inspired enough to voice my silly thoughts.
I just want you to know that I am a woman and I do wait with baited breath for your divine thoughts, observations and rantings to arrive in my mailbox weekly. I have enjoyed your column for decades. Your writing style is refreshing and witty.
You are one of the reasons I continue to subscribe to The Lake Orion Review. I am sure that whatever critical options are thrown your way you have already identified your shortcomings and have told us all about them. I love hearing about your family as well. Please keep writing those refreshing mine thoughts and don’t let the few get you down. — Jill S.
* * *
The other week I wrote a wee bit about an awesome bacon dish I had tried out. (Basically, scalloped potatoes on crack — wrapped in bacon.) From up there Ortonville way, a Citizen reader shared another recipe I should try.
Hi Don,
In regards to your column in the April 22, 2017 edition of The Citizen, The Wonderfulness That Is Bacon Grease.
Do you like cornbread?
I’m going to take a wild guess that you do. So, you have to make it in true southern style, from scratch. (Jiffy Cornbread Mix is a No-No!) If you don’t already have plain corn meal, go to the grocery store and buy a 24-oz. cylindrical container of Yellow, Enriched, and Degerminated Corn Meal. Store brand is just as good as the name brand, and saves you money.
On the back of the package is a recipe for Quick Corn Bread. Follow the instructions on the container, except use a 10 1/2 inch cast iron skillet instead of the eight or nine inch round pan.
In place of the 1/4 cup vegetable oil, use the same amount of bacon grease (“drippings”). Put the drippings in the cast iron skillet, and warm it on the stove top until melted if you keep the grease in your fridge or even if you don’t, when you preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Melt the grease on low heat.
If you really want to jazz it up, crumble 6 strips of crisp fried bacon and add it to the batter mixture just before you transfer it to the skillet. You can also add 1/4 cup shredded, not chopped, small onion to the mixture. Warning: Wear goggles when shredding Onions. Good Luck, and Good Eating! — Mary L
Thank you readers! Keep it up. And, if you wanna’ share but have not taken the time yet, drop me an e-mail, DontRushDon@gmail.com
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