On Jan. 20, the North Oakland #334 Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Auxiliary won first place for its display in the Buddy Poppy Contest at the Mid-Winter Conference for the Department of Michigan Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) held in Kalamazoo.
This year, there were 45 entries in the contest. With the VFW’s theme, “Strength and Unity for Our Veterans” in mind, Oxford resident Heather Dalling created the post’s winning display using lots of newspaper, a small box and a tube along with glue and paint.
Each display was required to include a bugle and Rosie the Riveter, along with a minimum of five of the VFW’s Buddy Poppies in their original format.
Rosie the Riveter, whose real-life inspiration Naomi Parker Fraley recently passed away at age 96, is a widely-known icon and symbol of feminism stemming from World War II.
She represented the women who worked in factories and shipyards during the war to make up for the lack of male workers, many of whom were serving in the military.
Auxiliary President Kathy Hubbard said she was proud to see the North Oakland #334 VFW Auxiliary place first for the fourth year in a row.
“When our Auxiliary was instituted in September of 2013 and we entered the first year, we took second place. Ever since then, we have taken first place . . . all because of Heather’s gifted talents,” Hubbard said. “Our Auxiliary is very fortunate to have one of the most creative and talented members.”
Hubbard wished to remind the community that the VFW’s annual National Poppy Days fund-raiser will be held from Friday, May 9 through Monday, May 12.
All proceeds from donations will be used to benefit veterans and help their dependents or the orphans of veterans.
“Be sure to look for a veteran . . . and get your fresh, new Buddy Poppy and help a veteran in need,” Hubbard said.
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