Gosh, I don’t know about you, but I feel pretty darned good .. as of Monday morning when I am typing this. I think that whole, “turn back your clocks” thing is a wonderful idea and I whole-hardheartedly would concur with any proposal to turn back our clocks, not once, but twice a year.
Last week at this time I was tired. I feel groovy, now!
Now, when we discuss the annual “spring forward” fiasco, I’m not so charitable. End that madness!
I heard something this morning on National Public Radio (NPR) about the affects of springing forward. Not that I do not trust NPR, but when I got to work, I hopped on the old information highway and looked up info on this subject. Last Friday, Caitlin Coyle of Rutgers, published this:
“Circadian rhythm regulates many important biological processes, such as hormone production and sleep patterns, and is largely controlled by external cues in the environment – mainly light.
“Changing sleep-wake cycles by an hour has an effect on our circadian clock. Since light is normally a key regulator of our biological clock, the change will shift the phase of our rhythm away from that of the central pacemaker. As with any phase change, this will cause disturbances in sleep, metabolism, mood, bodily functions and productivity.
“They may include feeling sleepy, listless, stressed and tired for a while. Daylight saving time-associated changes result in higher rates of automobile and workplace accidents. A few studies have even suggested a slight increase in heart attacks and stroke, probably in those already at a higher risk.”
Two things.
1.) The above reasons are good ones not to screw with Father Time.
2. Hmm? I always thought it was “Cicadian” rhythm — like those big, super loud tree bugs called cicadas. In my head I related to the bugs because of what we were told as kids, “they come out only every seven years” to a time cycle — cicadian. Boy, was I wrong. Learn something new every day, so I guess it’s a good day!

* * *
Interesting, because even though by biological sleep rhythms all seem to be in tune and even though I learned something new, rested and smiling, I still feel a little bit like Scrooge McRush for what I’m about to write.
Please Don’t Hate Me
I know it’s your birthday and you’re trying to do something nice for the world and I still love you, but it’s your charity, I don’t want to know about it.
What am I blathering on about? For those not enjoying the social media mega-giant Facebook, they now have this thing where members for their birthday can put out a notice that reads something like this:
“It’s my birthday! For my birthday I am asking all my friends to donate to this charity (fill in the blank with your charity of choice) and I have a goal of X dollars. Thank you.”
I get one or two of these requests a day.

So, back to my thoughts. I know friends and family peeps who have created a Facebook Fundraiser for your birthday, you’re doing a wonderful thing. I applaud you on one hand. On the other, keep it to yourself. The thing about charity, it is a personal choice that’s done not for recognition, rather for the joy of giving. I believe you are all wonderful, charitable fine and upstanding Americans, you do not have to convince me you’re awesome because you support a charity.
If you want to support a charity, do so and then deduct it from your income taxes if you are so inclined. Just don’t ask me to help bankroll your favorite charity — we’re still friends, right?

It’s just everybody has their hands out these days. The federal government. The state, county, township, village, city, schools, nieces and nephews, kids groups, service groups, churches want my money — and now everybody is asking on a social media website, too.
I give what I can to whomever I can, because I can and I do not want to in anyway let folks know who and what I give to. I don’t need a pat on the back for giving. And, now I am feeling guilty because I am not giving more. Thank you, Facebook for this $300 million fundraising opportunity you have given us.
Is it any wonder then, why all the cool kids (aka, the younger generation) have all left Facebook?
Is the election over yet (‘cuz I am already over it).
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