Youth Assistance honors 106 students

Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance honored 106 elementary, middle and high school students Thursday at the organization’s Annual Youth Recognition Ceremony held at Oxford High School.
According to Youth Assistance Caseworker Hank Szlenkier, the purpose of the awards program is to publicly acknowledge local youth who commit ‘unselfish acts of kindness? and ‘civic-minded activities? that ‘typically don’t get recognized in any other arenas.?
‘It’s a purely positive ‘rah-rah? program to honor youths for what they do,? Szlenkier said. ‘I’m always awed by the ways these kids come up with on their own to help others. This is not adult-driven. The kids see a need and they do something about it.?
The winning youths were nominated by local service organizations, governmental agencies, churches and schools.
‘A major of them are nominated by the schools,? Szlenkier said, noting that although winners must live within the geographic boudaries of the Oxford school district, it’s not required they attend one of the public schools.
When asked his opinion about this year’s exceptionally large number of honorees, Szlenkier said he feels ‘very good about the future looking at the caliber of today’s young leaders.?
Individual Honors
Cory Adum ? ‘Cory worked with students in grades 3-5 teaching these students the game of chess. His weekly contacts with the students exhibited his care for the students and love of the game.?
Elizabeth Banachowski ? ‘Elizabeth worked to reinstate the Michigan Merit Award Scholarship and has organized a campaign to get the full MEAP scholarship for future students.?
Katie Brady ? ‘Katie is a very sweet and kind young girl. She is a role model in class and always strives to do her very best.?
Brittney Cardinale ? ‘Brittney had helped our community in several areas. She has assisted at a nursing home in White Lake, taught youths at St. Andrews Church for three years and other activities.?
Joey DeBaene ? ‘Joey is a wonderful kind young man. Everyday Joey takes time from his day to volunteer to help a student with cerebral palsy. He sits with him during snack time, assists him in eating, engages in conversation and tries to make him feel like part of the gang. The student has been ill recently and Joey continues to inquire about his health and when he will return. Joey is a student who shows a lot of compassion, but doesn;t make the student feel like they are anything less than he is.?
Brian Dial ? ‘Brian often gave up his time as a voluntary team manager to assist student athletes with personal, academic and athletic responsibilities. He received accolades both from players and school staff members.?
Kayla Gotz ? ‘For 5 years Kayla has been dedicated to helping with the Red Cross. She serves as a canteen helper assisting those who have given blood.?
Bianka Kristen ? ‘Bianka is an exceptional friend and source of encouragement in our classroom. She is kind and considerate to all the students in our classroom and is well liked and respected by her classmates.?
Natasha Kugler ? ‘Natasha has recently placed second in a state culinary arts competition and has taken a mature and focused approach in her education.?
Rick LeMieux ? ‘Rick has worked with students in grades 3-5 in an afterschool chess club. His teacher greatly appreciates his time and effort in making the club a successful endeavor.?
Samanatha Marshall ? ‘Samantha helped with an after-school Math Pentathalon Club. Her time and effort made this a successful activity.?
Mark Miner ? ‘Mark has volunteered for the Oxford Parks and Recreation youth soccer program for the past three years, coaching boys and girls. He had exceptional patience and love for children.?
Samantha Pohl ? ‘Samantha volunteers approximately six hours per week at the Domican Sisters home for elderly and retired nuns. She helps set tables, cleans and plays games with the nuns.?
Cody Roop ? ‘Cody is a hero … he rescued a family member from some raging bees. An all-around hero, hard worker and good citizen.?
Amanda Ryskamp ? ‘Amanda has taken it upon herself to sit with a boy with Downe Syndrome in class, help him on any task and just be a good friend.?
Eric Schiftman ? ‘Eric worked after school helping make both the Math Pentathalon and Robotic activities successful endeavors for all involved.?
Chad Shaver ? ‘Chad spent countless hours volunteering in the afterschool Math Pentathalon, tutored a fifth-grader in math, started a chess club in the high school and offers a hand to teachers at Lakeville Elementary.?
Daniel Withun ? ‘Dan noticed a student who appeared ill. He approached her in time to catch her as she collapsed, saving her from injury. He remained with her and calmly reassured her as he sent another student for assistance.?
Hannah Wright ? ‘Hannah is an exceptionally kind student who makes a point of befriending fellow students who really need a friend. She subconsciously models her own behavior in such a way that other children follow her good example.?
OAYA Volunteers
Ronald Adams, Brandon Brado, Jonie Cooper, Steven Cummins, Jessica Cummins, Aryn Genez, William Hartwell, Ericka Huntoon, Jeremy Martin, Brandi Martin and Colson Odell ? ‘These students were involved with and volunteered for the children’s community garden and/or the OAYA Christmas float. The garden was planted, weeded and harvested from May through October 2002. The produce was given to needy families and senior citizens.?
Peer Mediators
‘These students have been peer mediators who assist other students in solving conflicts. One day each week, these students are available to others for peer mediation. Often the role involves helping to maintain peaceful environments for all students during noon recesses.? The following students were honored for being peer mediators at these elementary schools:
? Leonard Elementary ? Samantha Anderson, Debra Carpenter, Renee Carroll, Ashley Darocha, Jami Dixon, Eric Domier, Emily Holland, Rikki Mangone, Sarah Mitchell, Natalie Musgrove, Rielly Peterson, Erica Schlueter and Lindsay Stairs
? Oxford Elementary ? Samantha Connelly, Chris Coy, Ricky Hernandez, Brandon Kuligowski, Kelsey Littman and Sarah McCrumb.
? Clear Lake Elementary ? Paul Belmonte, Emily Brooks, Amy Burt, Kelly Cartner, Amber Dietrich, Stephanie Drouillard, Edward Ellis, Nicholas Hadorn, Corey Hrischuk, Erika Kamm, Allison Kemp, Megan Kucemba, Corinne Luxton, Adam Silorey, Mitchell Stefanski, Elizabeth Strzelecki, Megan Tilley and Theresa Ann Toth
? Lakeville Elementary ? Kevin Goehring, Taylor Healy, Madeline Hinojosa, Taylor Holtshouser, Rikki Jarvis, Marissa Mack, Aaron Malinowski, Jordan Mococha, Laura Moore, Ashley Meunchen, Thomas Nieman, Samantha Perez, Lisa Trolley, Tabitha Wrobel, Corey Young and Brittany Ziegelbaur
‘Have Fun Here? School Welcoming Team
Nicky Hasher, Alicia Hansen, Olivia Martin, Merissa Murphy, Melissa Walker and Jaclyn Wicker ? ‘These students have made new students of Clear Lake Elementary feel welcome by visiting them shortly after their arrival and bringing them a card, doing short and fun interviews and taking their pictures.?
Showing Support for Our Troops
Katy Crippen, Sarah Potter and Gabrielle Stadnick, Joey DeBaene ? ‘These students have been involved in a special group at Oxford Middle School. To show support for troops in Iraq, students made bracelets and sold them. The group raised nearly $1,000 and the money was given to the American Red Cross.?
Student Council Volunteers
Danielle Bauman, Taylor Carpenter, Jacob Clark, Edward Ellis, Devan Engle, Christian Hamen, Allie Laidlaw, Corinne Luxton, Jessica McLean, Harley Muscarella, Kayla Pollard, Adam Siloray, Doug Toth and Krystal Warda ? ‘These students serve Clear Lake Elementary by being active Student Council representatives. As members, they attended meetings regularly; presented, discussed and voted on new ideas; and communicated Student Council news to classmates. Leadership skills such as responsibility and fairness were also demonstrated.?

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