Youth hunt successful for local hunter

Brandon Twp.-Logan Williams had a great September.
The 15 year-old Brandon High School student connected on a four-point buck, his first deer, while hunting in Isabella County during the recent Youth Deer Hunting season.
‘The younger hunters have a chance to get a deer during the youth season,? said Williams, who was accompanied on the hunt by his father and longtime hunter, Todd Williams.
The Williams? success was part of the statewide special two-day youth firearm deer season on Sept. 23-24 for youths 10-16 years. Restrictions include youths 10 and 11 years old care restricted to archery-only hunting, and youths 12 and 13 may hunt with firearms on private lands only. The youth must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older.
‘During the regular deer season, in November it’s tougher to hunt when everyone is out and spook the deer, besides there’s lots more hunters. I’ll always be a deer hunter, I actually saw a deer this year during the Youth season compared to last year. When I never saw a thing.?
Ann Wilson, acting press secretary for the Department of Natural Resources, says the Youth deer hunt was implemented in September 2003 to help boost interest in hunting for youth and help stem the fall in license sales.
‘The Youth hunt affords kids every opportunity to get involved,? said Wilson. ‘Years ago hunting was a family thing, more would go out together’but that’s changed. Today kids needs mentors to teach them the way and to get a feel for hunting.?
‘The kids basicly have the woods to themselves and we want the kids to have a success.The Youth deer season is a different opportunity than the regular gun deer season. It’s a chance for the more experienced hunter to mentor and just focus on the youth.?

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