A request for a variance that would allow the placement of a cell tower in Seymour Lake Park will be addressed at the 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 14 meeting of the Oxford Township Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA).
The meeting will take place in the township hall, located at 300 Dunlap Rd., just north of Seymour Lake Rd.
On Oct. 13, Verizon Wireless was granted special land use approval, along with preliminary and final site plan approval, by the planning commission to construct a 195-foot monopole on a 2,475-square-foot site in the northwest corner of the 132-acre park.
One of the conditions of site plan approval is Verizon Wireless must obtain a variance from the ZBA for the proposed setback, which does not meet the ordinance.
The proposed tower is located approximately 110 feet from the park’s north and west property lines.
The township zoning ordinance requires towers must be set back from all property lines at least the height of their highest point, which, in this case, is 195 feet.
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