Prelim. count shows schools up 37 pupils

According to preliminary numbers from Oxford Schools’ Feb. 8 Count Day, the district is up 37.27 full-time equivalent (FTE) students from the fall’s preliminary count, bringing the total count to 5939.29.

However, that number could change as the district has six weeks following count day for students to attend classes and be added to the numbers.

Students who had excused absences on Count Day have 30 calendar days to return to school, while students with unexcused absences have 10 school days to return in order to be considered enrolled in the district.

The state-mandated count day helps to determine how much funding each public school district receives.

The February count only accounts for 10 percent of the district’s funding, while the fall count day represents the majority (90 percent). Oxford receieves a state aid foundation allowance of $7,511 per FTE pupil.


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