(And other news from the Nov. 18 Oxford Township Trustees’ meeting)
By Teddy Rydquist
Leader Staff Writer
In what was the final session for Bill Dunn as Supervisor and Trustee Patti Durr, the Charter Township of Oxford had their monthly Board of Trustees meeting, via Zoom video conference, on Wednesday, November 18.
Normally, these meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month, but with November 11 serving as Veterans Day, this one was pushed back until the third Wednesday.
After calling the meeting to order, paying respects to the flag, and noting the roll, Dunn opened the floor to public comment to address items not on the consent agenda, but there were none.
The last items on the agenda were to recognize both Dunn and Durr. After reading a resolution in his honor, an emotional Dunn spoke.
“I couldn’t have done all that without a great bunch of trustees that worked with me over the years. One person doesn’t make all these decisions; all these budgets that were in-line, never went overboard, it’s because of these people. I didn’t always agree with all of them, but I certainly do respect them for their work.
“If I did anything right, it was to allow people to do their job, I didn’t micromanage, whether it’s Pete Scholz, Jack LeRoy, the sheriff’s department. I don’t know fire service, I don’t know policing, all I did was sit back and walk through and make sure everything was running right. They sure made me look good.
“The same thing with the people at the township hall. I probably should have been a little tougher on them, but that’s just my style. Without them, things would have been a lot more hectic, and again, I thank them.”
Township Engineer Jim Sharpe said, “It’s been a great time working with him, he’s done a great job with us over the years. Been a lot of changes in the community, and he, and the board and the staff have handled it very well, but Bill’s really stepped up to it.
“I’m sure the next administration with Mr. Curtis will keep on going there and it will go just as well. But, Bill, it’s been a real pleasure for me to work with you as an engineer to your supervisor.”
The resolution honoring Dunn, who was appointed Supervisor by the board in June 1999, was read by Clerk Curtis Wright. It reads in part:
“Whereas, in addition to his numerous duties and responsibilities as township supervisor, Mr. Dunn served on other boards and committees, including Oxford Emergency Safety Authority, Oxford Police Fire and EMS Commission, North Oakland Transportation Authority, Oxford Downtown Development Authority, Oxford Area Cable Communications Commission and Oxford Township Water and Sewer Committee; and
“Whereas, Supervisor Dunn helped oversee the township’s smooth transition to contracting with the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office in February 2000 following the dissolution of the Oxford Police Department; and
“Whereas, during Supervisor Dunn’s tenure he played an integral role in Oxford’s construction of a new township hall, two fire stations, two water treatment plants, an elevated water storage tank capable of holding one million gallons, a substation for the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office and a township meeting room; and
“Whereas, Supervisor Dunn helped improve the township’s relationship with the Village of Oxford by frequently – and voluntarily – attending village council meetings as an audience member and providing information, updates and suggestions during public comments and council deliberations; and
“Whereas, over the years, Supervisor Dunn secured three land donations, totaling approximately 8.25 acres, for the Oxford Fire Department to use as station sites and training facilities; and
“Whereas, Supervisor Dunn served his country honorably during the Vietnam War as a sergeant in the United States Air Force and helped honor his fellow veterans by serving as the guest speaker at Oxford’s Memorial Day ceremony in 2006, 2015 and 2016; and
“Whereas, Mr. Dunn was a hands-on supervisor who routinely rolled up his sleeves and traded his dress shoes for work boots in order to address problems in the field; and
“Whereas, Supervisor Dunn is well-respected by his peers and the public for his ability to listen with an open mind, speak plainly and honestly, deal fairly with all sides and exercise common sense.
“Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Charter Township of Oxford Board of Trustees wishes to thank Supervisor William Dunn for his 21 years of faithful service, resolute dedication, prudent decision-making, decisive actions and superb leadership. Oxford Township is truly a better place than it was in June 1999 because of Supervisor Dunn’s tireless efforts and stellar example. Oxford Township salutes Supervisor Dunn and wishes him nothing but the very best.”
* * *
Clerk Curtis also read the resolution in honor of Durr. In part, it reads:
“Whereas, Patti K. Durr was elected to a trustee seat on the Oxford Township Board in 2012; and
“Whereas, in addition to her numerous duties and responsibilities as township trustee, Ms. Durr served on other boards and committees, including Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance Board of Directors, NoHaz Consortium and Oxford Township Election Commission; and
“Whereas, prior to her election in office, Trustee Durr spent 13 years working in the Oxford Township Building Department as an administrative assistant; and
“Whereas, Trustee Durr was always ready and willing to lend a helping hand whenever and whenever needed; and
“Whereas, Trustee Durr conducted herself honorably treated everyone fairly and with respect, listened intently and served with quiet dignity; and
“Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Charter Township of Oxford Board of Trustees wishes to thank Trustee Patti K. Durr for her 21 years of faithful service to the community as both an elected official and municipal employee. Oxford Township is grateful to Trustee Durr for her hard work, commitment and invaluable contributions to the community.”
Fire Chief’s request postponed
A motion to table Oxford Fire Chief Pete Scholz’s contract talks until next month passed by a 5-1 margin, with Treasurer Joe Ferrari being the lone dissenting vote.
Scholz has been with the department since 1976. He asked the board to discuss the renewal of his employment contract, which expires at the end of 2020.
“I have in front of you, a renewal for a two-year contract,” Scholz said. “Nothing’s changed it in, the only thing that’s changed in it are the dates and the amount of the salary has changed, reflecting what raises took place in the past four years.”
Trustee Jack Curtis, who will succeed Dunn as supervisor, requested the board table Scholz’s request until the next board meeting, Dec. 9.
“I asked chief for a succession plan, we are losing our assistant chief (Dave Creech) this year, he’s proposing retiring,” Curtis said. “And with Chief coming on for another contract renewal, I’d like to have a succession plan, how we’re going to fill the assistant spot, how we’d like to move forward, not just ending it in the middle of a four-year term. We have plenty of time to work through this.”
Trustee Margie Payne asked what the assistant chief has to do with the Scholz’s contract.
“What happens if something goes wrong with the chief?” Curtis replied. “God forbid he takes ill, what happens if he’s injured? We have no assistant chief, we have no succession plan with the assistant chief gone, then we have a chief out there, God forbid, something happens to him, who’s in place? What do we do to replace that, also?”
The motion to postpone was then presented and passed.
A couple of updates
Township Engineer Jim Sharpe presented his monthly report.
“Just a couple of quick updates, obviously, the big one is M-24 (Lapeer Road),” he started.
“It’s been paved and they’re hoping to open that up about the first week of December. They got some items to finish up, it’s looking pretty good, should be back in business shortly after Thanksgiving.
“People have probably seen some dirt moving around at the property next to the Tractor Supply, the new Culver’s restaurant that’s going in. We’re ready to go on it, we’re just waiting on some permits from the state of Michigan and then they’ll start putting the utilities in. I know they’ve been working on the building already.
“Got a couple of other projects out there, residential, that are kind of going through the site-plan process and I think will be coming to the Township Board next month because they’re condominiums.”
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