July 24 was certainly a beautiful day to go fishing. But the warmth of the sun shining down on the clear, blue waters of Lake Orion was nothing compared to the warmth of the people that came together to make a dying man’s wish come true. All John Stiller, of Waterford, wanted to do was […]
Two activists protesting against the Canada-based Enbridge company were arrested July 24 in Oxford Township for allegedly blocking the path of vehicles entering and exiting a construction staging area off Lakeville Rd. Alan Smith, 50, of Chesterton, Indiana, and Jacob McGraw, 31, of Milford, were arraigned July 25 in Rochester Hills 52-3 District Court on […]
Vote NO on community rec. center More taxes. More debt. That’s what the proposed Oxford Township Community Recreation Center boils down to and that is why is we strongly urge residents to vote NO on the $20 million bond proposal (to be financed through a 1.6-mill tax) and its accompanying five-year, 0.05-mill operating tax. Now […]
Oxford Village is suffering from a shortage of candidates. Only four people filed for the five village council seats up for election in November. The filing deadline was July 22. Incumbents Maureen Helmuth, Sue Bossardet and Bryan Cloutier are all running as is retired village Clerk Rose Bejma. Three of the seats carry four-year terms, […]
A Livonia man left his Oxford workplace to go jogging July 23 and ended up being mauled by two large dogs in neighboring Metamora Township. John Sytsma, an employee of Eltro Services, Inc. (3570 Thomas Rd.) in Oxford Township, was hospitalized and died the next day from the injuries he sustained. He was 46. Sytsma […]
(Editor’s Note: Here’s a recap of why the Oxford Public Library is requesting a tax increase from a story we wrote in April.) A 10-year, 0.4518-mill property tax increase is being requested by the Oxford Public Library on the Aug. 5 primary ballot. ‘As difficult as it is to ask anyone to reach into their […]
Brad Jacobsen believes his work is not yet done. That’s why the 57-year-old Oxford resident is once again seeking the Republican nomination to run for the 46th District seat in the state House of Representatives. ‘There’s still things I would like to accomplish in Lansing, that we haven’t been able to do, to help the […]
John Reilly is challenging incumbent Brad Jacobsen in the Aug. 5 Republican primary race for the 46th District seat in the Michigan House of Representatives because he believes the GOP is betraying its principles and needs to return to its roots. ‘I think there’s a lack of Republicans that are holding to values that the […]
Read our lips ? no new taxes. For the most part, that was the message from Oxford and Addison voters in the Aug. 5 primary election. Voters in both townships rejected a number of requests for new or increased property taxes. The $20 million bond proposal to build a community recreation center in Oxford’s Stony […]
The Lone Ranger and his faithful Indian sidekick, Tonto, rode along M-24 Saturday morning as Oxford hosted its Second Annual Lone Ranger Day parade and festival. The iconic masked lawman was played by Bruce Meyers, of the Lapeer County Sheriff’s Mounted Division, while Bobby Johnson brought the stoic Tonto to life. The parade consisted of […]