Crossroads places in bball tourney

The Crossroads for Youth basketball team was recently awarded a trophy for second place in the Oakland County Alternative Education Basketball Tournament. “It just makes the kids feel like they have more vested in the school itself,” said Dr. Glenda Williams with Crossroads for Youth. “It helps to improve their self-esteem and attitude.” The program […]

My Way

Every time I see one of those Disney movies where a group of kids band together to fight City Hall, it never fails to make me cringe. Allow me to explain. We’re all familiar with the movie where the out-of-touch City Council wants to sell a vacant piece of land to an evil developer who […]

Editor at Large

The following is a shortened version of a story offered by Promise Keepers speaker Steve Farrar: A man came home from work after a difficult day, looking forward to crashing. His wife reminded him, however, that they had a commitment that evening. The man grudgingly agreed to attend, saying he needed a quick shower and […]

DECA presents $1,000 check

A $1,000 check made out to the Child Abuse and Neglect Council of Oakland County was presented Tuesday by members of the Oxford High School DECA Club. DECA students raised the money as part of a class project dealing in public relations, according to DECA advisor and marketing teacher Steve Ruch. Part of the donation, […]

Jury says murder, not self-defense

PONTIAC ? Despite the defense attorney’s best efforts to convince the jury that Phillip Brown killed 36-year-old Randy Pardy, of Leonard, in self-defense on April 3, 2002, the 24-year-old Oxford resident was convicted Monday of first-degree murder. The jury also found Brown guilty of a felonious assault charge involving his roommate, Brian Weigold. Brown will […]

Dinners to help raise money for Leonard Strawberry Fest

WANTED ? Hungry people with large appetites and community spirit to help finance this year’s Strawberry Festival. Food and beverages provided for small cost. Everyone is welcome! The Leonard Summer Festival Committee is looking for people matching the above description to attend it’s first fund-raising dinner of the year on Wednesday, February 19 from 5 […]

Oxford CVS robbed

A light-skinned black male in his late-20s or early-30s is being sought by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Dept. for the armed robbery Friday night of the Oxford Township CVS Pharmacy, located at 1430 S. Lapeer Road in the Oxford Mills strip-mall. Armed with what was reported to be a small caliber, semi-automatic handgun, the suspect […]

Bacteria found in Oxford Twp. water

Oxford Township residents were warned Monday to either boil their water or use bottled water because recent tests revealed the presence of coliform bacteria in the municipal well system. A routine monthly water sample plus follow-up samples collected by the Oakland County Drain Commission all tested positive for total coliform bacteria, according to a written […]

Village adopts plan to help twp. during water woes

Prompted by news of Oxford Township’s water troubles this week, the Oxford Village Council Tuesday unanimously approved a resolution outlining a “Community Emergency Water Plan” to assist the township with its current situation and any future water-related emergencies. The plan defines two types of community water emergencies and classifies them as “Level 1” or “Level […]

Oxford’s ‘Unsung’ Heroes

They don’t get paid the big bucks. The work they do isn’t glamorous. Their deeds don’t make them famous. But none of that matters to them because everyday, in a variety of ways both big and small, they make a positive impact on the lives of the young people around them. They have different titles […]