GOODRICH – For almost seven years now, kids in Goodrich have had a safe place to go on Friday nights. Victory World Outreach Center on Green Road made an addition to the church building seven years ago. The addition made it possible for kids between the ages of seven and 20 to draw, play music, […]
If one picture is worth a thousand words, then local photographer Mel Pawl could fill an entire library after 20 years of immortalizing families and individuals with his professional studio portraits. Pawl, who’s owned and operated Mel Pawl and Co. Photographers since 1983, recently announced plans to permanently close the doors of his 8 N. […]
An approximately 300-pound, five-foot tall sculpture made of three-quarter-inch steel was reported stolen Wednesday by the owner of a new art gallery in downtown Oxford. The sculpture, valued at $600, was last seen on the sidewalk facing the southwest parking lot in back of Margot’s Gallery and Frame located at 5 S. Washington, according to […]
A master plan to guide the parks and recreation department’s growth and development over the next five years was unanimously approved by the Oxford Township Board last Wednesday. The master plan established and identified seven general objectives to be accomplished between 2003 and 2007. Parks and Recreation Director Ron Davis said while not every objective […]
Oxford Township residents returned to drinking their tap water without boiling it first late Thursday afternoon, five days after the presence of total coliform bacteria was first detected in the municipal water system. A Feb. 13 notice from the Oakland County Drain Commission informed water customers that the “boil water notice” issued on Feb. 10 […]
It’s safe to say that most people will never circle the globe in a sailboat built with their own two hands. Paul Thackaberry’s preparing to do exactly that for the second time in his life. Then again, Thackaberry isn’t most people. “I’m crazy,” he said with a chuckle. The 50-year-old Oxford resident is currently building […]
Some suggestions for school cuts A Feb. 17 press release from Oxford Area Community Schools stated that in response to decreased state funding, rising operational costs and anticipated budget shortfalls ? “All buildings and every district department (elementary schools, middle school, high school, athletics, transportation, maintenance and grounds, technology, special education, administration, support staff, food […]
By C.J. CARNACCHI0 Oxford Leader Editor Keith Judson Curtis, founder, owner and operator of Curtis Floor Covering in Oxford, passed away Wednesday, Feb. 19. He was 77. “He was a great person to work for,” said son Harry Curtis, who worked side-by-side with his father for 38 years in the family business. “It was an […]
A lesson in civic consciousness led the Oxford High School DECA Club last Wednesday to donate $2,500 to the Make-A-Wish Foundation to help one special child’s dream come true. DECA raised the money through three special events, each of which were organized and conducted by marketing students. The club raised $1,400 from its annual Bowl […]
Keith Judson Curtis, founder, owner and operator of Curtis Floor Covering in Oxford, passed away Wednesday, Feb. 19. He was 77. “He was a great person to work for,” said son Harry Curtis, who worked side-by-side with his father for 38 years in the family business. “It was an extreme pleasure working with my father.” […]