Garbage truck, van collide

ADDISON TWP. ? A garbage truck and delivery van were involved in a head-on collision on Indian Lake Rd, a quarter-mile east of Barr Rd, shortly after 9 a.m. Tuesday. According to the sheriff’s report, the driver of a Promed Delivery Inc. van, a 34-year-old Detroit man, was traveling westbound on Indian Lake Rd. when […]

No crimes connected with COPS

An investigation into the alleged misuse of $136,677 in federal COPS grant funds awarded to the now-defunct Oxford Police Department in the 1990s turned up no criminal wrongdoing, according to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department. However, Bill Dunn, chairman of the Oxford Public Fire and EMS Commission, said he was not satisfied with that conclusion […]

Oxford firefighters looking to unionize

Concern over the possibility of losing their benefits, and maybe even their jobs, prompted Oxford’s full-time firefighters to go looking for the “Union Label.” “We just want some representation,” said Fire Lt. Terry Roeher. “We want some protection. That’s the biggest thing.” Roeher and the department’s three other full-time firefighters are in the process of […]

Drakos moves to Orion

Steve Drakos said goodbye to the Oxford Board of Education last week, but not to the Oxford/Orion area. “My new house is only two blocks from Oxford,” he said. Drakos recently announced his resignation from the school board effective Feb. 20. The local attorney and his wife of one and a half years, Teresa, purchased […]

My Way

I hate to admit it but I must agree with Governor Jennifer Granholm and even applaud her actions. In light of the state’s $2 billion budget shortfall and the large number of spending cuts ahead, Granholm said she will cut her own $177,000 annual salary by 10 percent to lead by example, according to the […]

Chadwicks named library ‘Friends of the Year

It’s often said that people are judged by the friends they keep. If that’s true, than the Oxford Public Library is in very good company and most fortunate to have such generous friends as Don and Colette Chadwick. The Chadwicks were recently selected by the Oxford Public Library Friends (OPLF) to be co-recipients of the […]

Straighten the curves; pave the dirt

A consent judgement calling for the straightening and paving of a portion of E. Drahner Road, the creation of a small park on Tullamore Lake and the building of some safety paths was approved by the Oxford Township Board last week. Under the agreement between the township and Trident Crest Properties, Inc. ? developer of […]

Public bodies looking for private help

Donations to put a new traffic signal at the intersection of East Burdick St. (Lakeville Road) and Glaspie (North Oxford Road) are being solicited by the Oxford Township Supervisor and Oxford Village President. “Because of the existing and continued development in the northeast quadrant of Oxford Township, and the increased traffic from your development, the […]

Fire destroys two-story garage on N. Glaspie

OXFORD VILLAGE ? A two-story detached garage at 47 N. Glaspie St. was completely destroyed by an accidental fire Saturday evening. According to Fire Chief Jack LeRoy, homeowner Jim Sabourin was repairing his motorcycle when gasoline leaked from a defective carburetor was ignited when the motorcycle backfired. The chief estimated the blaze caused $95,325 worth […]

My Way

Thumbs up to the Oxford Village Council for voting not to participate in the North Oakland Household Hazardous Waste Consortium (see story page 5). Village officials correctly reasoned that because the Oxford Township Board voted to join the Consortium in November 2002, village residents will be able participate in the program as township residents and […]