It may sound cliche, but it’s true that ‘one person can make a difference,? whether it’s in the great big world or a small town named Oxford. Fifty years ago one person, Chuck Curtis, made a difference in the lives of thousands of youths, both then and now, when he founded the ‘Oxford Midget League,? […]
‘I believe the township is going to withdraw from OPFEC and if they do, that’s going to set forth a chain of events that I have no idea what the outcome will be. We may be in for a rough couple of years.? The day after Oxford Village President Steve Allen uttered those prophetic words […]
Nearly two years after his arrest in July 2001, former Oxford Police Chief Gary Ford is finally standing trial for two of his alleged crimes. Ford faces two felony counts of larceny by conversion in a criminal trial that began Monday before Oakland Circuit Court Judge Patrick J. Brennan. At the heart of the case […]
Oxford-Addison Youth Assistance honored 106 elementary, middle and high school students Thursday at the organization’s Annual Youth Recognition Ceremony held at Oxford High School. According to Youth Assistance Caseworker Hank Szlenkier, the purpose of the awards program is to publicly acknowledge local youth who commit ‘unselfish acts of kindness? and ‘civic-minded activities? that ‘typically don’t […]
Oxford Village is considering purchasing the property currently leased by Spearing Tool and Manufacturing Company at 98 Glaspie St. Council voted unanimously May 13 to authorize attorney Bob Bunting to ‘take action as needed to make a recommendation … regarding the opportunity to acquire? the 1?-acre parcel, surrounded by Scripter Park, the ball fields and […]
Oxford Village voters could be asked on an Aug. 5 ballot to give their permission to sell some publicly-owned land on Dayton and Mill streets. On May 13, the village council voted unanimously to authorize the administration to draft ballot language requesting the sale of two village-owned lots located between 18 and 64 Dayton St. […]
To construct a strong building, you must start with a solid foundation made from bricks, concrete or steel. To build a strong community, you also must begin with a solid foundation comprised of volunteers, business owners and committed youth. The Oxford Area Chamber of Commerce May 15 honored 10 individuals who’s community spirit and selfless […]
The past and present were woven together to create the fabric of memories as Oakland County Commissioner Bill Patterson (R-Oxford) delivered the keynote address at Oxford’s Memorial Day celebration in Centennial Park Monday. ‘It’s nice to see this many people here, however, we could have more,? he told the crowd. ‘The ‘more? I’m referring to […]
The 116 fallen heroes who slumber peacefully in Lakeville Cemetery were once again honored and remembered for Memorial Day thanks to the Lakeville Cemetery Auxiliary. On Saturday, the organization conducted its annual Memorial Day ceremony in the cemetery, admist the gray skies and sprinkling rains. Addison township Trustee John Sutphin welcomed the crowd. ‘Today, we […]
Oxford Village resident Tracy Miller is forming a committee to examine either revising the current village charter or pursuing cityhood. ‘It’s something that I’m forming on my own,? he said in an interview at his Oxford Lakes home. ‘I think it’s something that needs to be done.? Miller, who’s the husband of Oxford Village Councilwoman […]